Chapter 3

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I had gone up to Freddy's house. It was Friday and around 3:00 pm. I was sitting with Darla in the living room, her puzzle on the floor my art book in hand. I was drawing out a rose before Freddy and Billy came down the stairs.

"We're going outside, mom!" Freddy yells. Billy pulls on his coat.

Freddy hasn't said a word to me ONCE today. I've been here for 3 hours and he hasn't said a word. My best friend barely has even looked at me. He and Billy seem to be getting along JUST fine though.

They run out of the house and I close my art book, place it on the table then run over to grab my coat. Victor looks at me and asks "Where ya goin' kiddo?"

"With them," I say and he smiles, nodding his head in understanding. I open the door and run out. I look down the street for the pair that had just exited the home.

I see them and start walking over. Billy was standing in a position, his fists balled up and his mouth open as if he was about to yell something. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask.

Billy stands up straight and goes to say something but Freddy cuts him off, "It's for an assignment can you just..."

I look at Freddy, confusion drowning my mind. "Can I what?" I ask. I start getting nervous.

"Go away, or something?" Freddy asks. I felt like someone had just stabbed me in the chest. I take a few steps back.

"Freddy..." Billy says. He looked disgusted with how Freddy was acting and I scoffed.

"Fine Freddy, don't worry, I'll be out of your hair," I put my hands up in a surrendering form. I turn around and begin walking back towards their home to collect my things for leaving.

"Alright so- Billy!" I hear Freddy from behind me, footsteps following his screams.

"Hey," I hear from behind me. I turn around coming face to face with Billy Batson. He smiles at me. "Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foot yesterday night... I want to apologize. Last night I saw you walking around on your own. You were like... having a late night walk? I don't know what it was but I want to take part in it this time. With you. Start over."

"Oh..." I say. I start to think about it. I slowly nod my head. If I were to let him come with me, get to know him better, I could start to like him. If that happens I could get closer to him. He could tell me why Freddy is ignoring me.

"You should defiantly walk with me tonight, for sure," I say. I see actual happiness in his eyes as he nods his head.

I walk back to the house and collect my things to go home.

Later at night, I'm dressed in a winter coat, it was thin though, kind of like a trenchcoat and leggings with some boots, mittens while my ears were covered with a fluffy pair of earmuffs. I walk out of my house into the dark 10:00 pm night. I finally make it to Freddy's and see Billy running outside in his brown coat and hood up.

"Hey," he says. I smile and look up at the window. Freddy's death glaring me and I turn away, walking away from the new boy. He jogs a bit to catch up with me.

"So... Why'd you want to walk with me?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I don't know... I guess I just really wanted to apologize to you. I was SUPER disrespectful the other night," he says. I nod my head, not disagreeing. He wasn't near wrong.

I blush a bit when his hand brushes mine. "So, you're new here. It kinda sucks though, did you know that?"

"Why's that?" He asks. He steps over a lump of snow on the sidewalk and stumbles in front of me, now walking to my right.

"It's a dangerous place, it's like... Scary." He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed. "It's not a good place, people are bad people here. Listen, I just... I don't want you to get hurt." He smiles.

His face is overtaken by a small tint of red as he looks down. "What?" I ask, giggling.

"Nothing, I just... I thought you hated me, now you don't want me to get hurt?" He smiles up at me. My heart flutters and I giggle, biting my lip a bit.

"I didn't like you because you were immediately mean to me, Batson." His smile disappears and he faces me, stopping our walking.

"I didn't mean to... I've just been with a lot of foster families. I don't exactly like it, you just... I thought that family was crazy. 7 kids including myself? I thought that family was mad," he says. I sigh and look around for a second.

"They were foster kids when they were younger, you know that right? That's why they-" He puts his hand on my arm and cuts me off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Just... Don't tell them I find them crazy?" He looked desperate.

"Don't sweat it, now stop touching me." I smile after saying that. He does as directed.

"Sorry," he states before we start walking again. We come across the 24-hour gas station and he puts his hand on the small of my back pushing me into the station.

I start filling a Slurpee up before the bullies from school walk in. I put the lid on and turn around to answer a text from my mom before I'm pushed. "Are you good?" I ask. Billy looks over and has worry mixed with anger all upon his face.

"Why are you here again?" The bully asks.

"Because I can be?" The next thing I know my head is in near contact with his fist but he's tackled to the ground before I can be. I look at the ground and scream "Billy!" but he's already attempting to pound his face in.

I pull him to me and he wraps his arms around my waist asking "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" The guy pushes him again and into me, I grip his jacket so I won't fall and he opens his legs for balance, tightening his grip on me.

"Billy, no," I say as he turns around and grabs the drink I had made and throws it onto him. "Billy!" I yell. He gets angry and kicks the guy. I grab Billy's arm and pull him to me with tears in my eyes from nervousness, "Billy, please."

He puts his arm around my waist and walks me to the counter. He puts the money in front of the girl for the drink he has tossed. He wrapped his arm around me tightly and walked out fast.

"Billy, why the fuck did you do that?" I ask. He turns to me with a shocked but angry look across his face.

"Why?! THEY FUCKING TRIED TO HURT YOU! Did they?" He asks, cupping my jaw and examining my face. I put my hand on his wrist and pull it away.

"Relax," I say. He sighs and holds my shoulders. "I didn't like what you just did, Billy. Please don't do that in front of me." I looked at him, tears stinging my eyes.

"Hey, don't worry, I won't," he says. "I'm sorry."

I start walking back towards his house and when we get there we were in a comfortable silence. Just being around Billy for someone reason, made me extremely comfortable.

He hooked his fingers into the belt loops on my coat from the front, pulling me close to him and I place my hands on his shoulders. "Hey, I won't ever hit someone in front of you again. I didn't know it affected you like that. Can I ask you..." he looks down at his hands and takes a step or two closer to me, his face inches from mine. "Why it was scary to you?" He looks up as he says "why", looking down at me with a cute pouty face.

I look at my feet and say "Um... My dad. He um..."

He tilts my head up and whispers "Just tell me." He looked like he was thinking about something. "Maybe I can help you."

"Nobody can actually help me, Batson." He smiles sadly and asks me to tell him anyways. "Well... Since I was 5, my dad has beaten me and my mother so... I have zero escape. Watching people get hurt makes me feel at home and-" I couldn't finish, I was about to choke on my tears.

"Hey, hey," he says. He cups my cheek. "I got you, Y/n. You'll be alright. If he EVER lays a hand on you again, tell me. Please?"

I shake my head a bit then look at him to see him shocked that I was saying no to it. I took my eyes off his eyes and nodded my head instead. Confirming I would tell him. "Thanks, Billy."

"Anything to keep you on my good side," He chuckles. He had said that while staring into my eyes and I looked into his. He wrapped his arms around my waist lazily.

I stared. That's all I could do at that moment. Stare. I bit my lip a bit before whispering, "Billy," before his lips were inches from my own. He pressed his nose against mine.

My selfishness got the better of me. If I were to be in a relationship with him I could get closer to him. Find out what's happening between him and my best friend. I bit my lip with a small smile on my face thinking of how good of an idea this was. He smiled out a small smile as well, his forehead and nose now connected with my own.

I whispered, "Why are you just staring me down, Batson?"

He chuckles and whispers "I don't know," before pressing his lips to my own. I kiss him back, smiling into it a bit.

"I SAID NO ASSOCIATION WITH MY BROTHER LIKE THIS! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" We pull away quickly from shock and look over at the window to see Freddy there, confusion and disgust erupting from him.

"Jesus..." I whisper.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks me.

"I'll do anything to get out of that house," I say, a smile on my face.

"Alright, awesome. Another walk tomorrow? You're a good distraction from my mommy issues," he chuckles. I smile.

"Yeah, another walk. You and I can go so you can explain your so-called "mommy issues" to me after I neglected them in the bathroom the other night." I giggle at my words and he smiles.

"For sure, I'm going to see you later, Y/n, I'm gonna explain that your best friend can't stop me." I bite my lip nervously. He walks to his house watching me walk back from him. I send Freddy the middle finger and walk away.

I smirk and giggle at my plan as I walk back to my personal hell.

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