Chapter 31: You must be exhausted

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Picture to the side: Ash's phone :)


What now? Should I use it? Could I use it without the brothers’ on the other side of the door hearing me? Probably not since I guessed their hearing would be better considering the fact that they were werewolves…

Shit. What then? Should I leave it in the pocket or should I hide it somewhere else? Hell I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly there were a loud knock on the closet door and I jumped in surprise.

"How long can it take to pull some pants on Ash?" It was Alex and I cursed silently. Shit, shit and double shit! The only thing I could think of were: “hide the phone” and I hastily grabbed the jacket and pushed the phone into the side-pocket again. I pulled the bag towards me and pressed the jacket inside it. It had to be enough for now.

"Do I have to come in there and get you huh?" Alex voice had an edge to it now and I realized that I had to get out, like right now. I quickly made my way towards the door and flung it open, almost catching Alex in the face with it. He jumped back and I gave him a surprised look.

"Were you seriously on your way to fetch me?" I said as I gave him an annoyed look. He gave me a suspicious glance before he slowly shrugged his shoulders and answered:

"Yes, even if it’s your wish to hide in there for the rest of the night I won’t let you get away that easy."

"Well I wasn’t hiding you toad." I muttered as I walked passed him towards the bed. He grinned at me and followed right behind.

"Of course you weren’t." He mocked and I huffed in irritation. I reached the bed and gave it a suspicious glance. Why did it have to be so big? I had never seen a bed this big and to be honest at least five people would fit on it without a problem. Who even slept in here usually? Could a single person even sleep in here all alone I mean…

Wait. A. Minute.

Suddenly it dawned on me. I turned towards Alex with lightning speed and pointed at the bed and his brothers’ relaxed faces.  

"Tell me you’re not serious! Tell me you don’t really expect me to sleep in here with you!" I shrieked in horror. I prayed to God that I was wrong but a single look at Alex amused face told me the truth. My head snapped between Alex and his brothers’ grinning faces and then I started to back away from the bed.

"No way, no freaking way! I am not getting on that bed, you hear me?!" I yelled at them and Alex grin quickly widened when he followed my retreat by taking a step towards me. His eyes sparkled in amusement when I almost tripped over myself in my haste to avoid him. I knew that if he got a hold on me he would have no problem tossing me onto the bed and then it would be over for me and I would have to sleep with them whether I wanted to or not (yes sleep as in sleeping, not sex you perv…).

"Tss, no need for you to be scared Ash, we’ll make it comfortable." Alex coaxed at me and I shot him a dirty look.

"Don’t you dare take another step Alex." I growled at him as I took another step backwards. He simply ignored me as he followed me and I realized that I had to get somewhere where he couldn’t get me. My roaming eyes landed on the bathroom door and I figured I had no choice. If I could just make it inside I could use the lock on the door and I would be out of his reach. I shot Alex a final glare before I suddenly made a dash for it. I sprinted towards the door and tried to ignore the pain burning in my injured foot. I heard Alex chuckle behind me as he figured out what I was aiming for.

You can't run from us  [BoyxBoy]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن