Chapter 8: A girl named Kate

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Picture on the side: The green Lamborghini Gallardo 


As soon as I closed the door behind us I let out the breath I hadn't known I had held and I could feel Kate relax a little against me. I turned around and saw the Jeep and the green Lamborghini still parked where I left them.

Great! I had hoped that they would have disappeared while I was inside but I guess you can't get everything you wish for...

I suddenly became aware of the fact that I was running away with a five year old from our abusive foster dad and I had four guys who had kidnapped me waiting for us. Well they were actually waiting for me and not the girl I was carrying and there were no way of telling how they would react to Kate.

I studied the cars, trying to decide what I should do when the back door of the Jeep suddenly opened and Alex jumped out. I hoped he hadn't seen me but of course he had. He threw his hands out in a 'what are you waiting for'- gesture and I grimaced slightly. I figured he hadn't noticed Kate who was still pressed tightly against my torso. I pulled a hand through my sprawling hair and cursed. I couldn't really take the chance of them seeing Kate but I couldn't exactly slip away without Alex seeing me and thinking that I was trying to escape again. Since I hadn't been able to outrun them without a girl hanging around my neck I didn't really like my odds now when I had.

I stood where I was, unsure of what to do, when Alex suddenly took the decision for me. He started walking towards us and I gave him an irritated glance. Of course he could sense me hesitating and I was sure he wasn't going to just let me escape now. I cursed again before I sighed and started to walk towards him and the cars. I didn't have much of a choice right now. 

Alex stopped and let me walk towards him and I could see his eyes turn darker as he caught sight of Kate and he narrowed his eyes at me. As I got closer to him Kate tensed up and even if she was tiny her arms nearly prevented me from breathing as she clung to me. I held a hand up so Alex wouldn't speak and I gave him a 'don't ask-face' but of course he ignored me.

"Who the hell is that?!" He snapped angrily at me and I rolled my eyes at him and kept walking. He growled at me and I could feel Kate tensing up even more.

"It's a girl stupid." I said calmly and I could see Alex following me from the corner of my eye with a furious look on his face.

"Well I can see that!" He yelled at me and I shot him an irritated look as Kate buried her face against my shoulder.

"Then why did you ask?" I muttered towards him and I could see his eyes turning even darker. We reached the car and Alex opened the backseat door as he kept staring at me with his now black eyes. I threw the bag in before I tried prying Kate's arms away from me. It didn't work though because she refused to let go and I cursed loudly:

"For Christ sake tiger can't you let me go for now so we can get in the car and then you can get back to squeezing the life out of me, okay?"

She lifted her face to look at me with big frightened eyes and I gave her a reassuring smile. She hesitated a little longer before she slowly released her grip around my neck and crawled inside the car. I sighed in relief but before I could get in behind her Alex took a tight grip around my left arm spinning me towards him. I hadn't time to react and suddenly I was pinned between him and the car.

"Hey, easy doggie!" I yelped but Alex gave me a dark look and I shut my mouth immediately. I hoped to god that he wouldn't feel the phone in my pocket as he leaned closer to my face. When he spoke I could feel his breath fanning my face causing shivers to emerge along my tensed body. "Hell not again" I thought sighing to myself. What was wrong with these people and their effect on me?

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