Chapter 6: Twenty questions

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Picture on the side: The black Jeep Liberty


I felt completely drained of energy when Anton started to drive along the road, following the Lamborghini.

"Where are you taking me?" My voice even sounded tired in my own ears and I could see Alex smirk a little from the corner of my eye because he knew that I had given up for now. I tossed my head to the side to get my sprawling hair out of my eyes and I could hear both Adam and Alex sniff the air around us. I gave them a weird look and Alex gave me an innocent smile back.

I huffed and rolled my eyes to which he gave me a warning look and I knew that he probably didn't like it when I messed with him. "As if that would make me stop" I thought to myself and returned his stare with one of my own. He was the first to break the silence since nobody had answered my question and he said:

"How about I answer one of your questions if you answer one of ours?"

I gave it some thought but then I nodded and he gave me an evil smile. "What have I gotten myself into?" I thought as I saw his mischievous blue eyes sparkle.

"You can start if you want to?" He said and I nodded.

"Where are you taking me?" I repeated my earlier question and Alex gave Anton a questioningly look. Anton sighed but answered:

"To our place and your new home." 

I shot him an angry look and protested:

"That wasn't really a good answer and I already have a home."

He shrugged his shoulders and Alex gave me a small smile.

"Well it was an answer so now it's my turn Sparky." he said, laughing at the face I made at my nickname. I huffed but inclined my head at him to ask his question before I changed my mind. He thought a couple of seconds before he asked:

"How did you get that bruise?"

He pointed at my face and I made a grimace at him. After a moment of silence I started to smile a little and then I answered with three simple words:

"Someone hit me."

Three pair of eyes turned almost black at the exact same time and Adam even growled a little. I gave them all a questioningly look and after a few seconds Alex eyes slowly returned to a brighter color. But only a little bit brighter.  

"Who?" He breathed angrily but I shook my head and gave him an evil smile.

"Ah ah my turn to ask the question doggie." I said and that earned me angry glares from them all but I ignored them, already thinking about my next question.

"Why are you kidnapping me?" I said after a while and they all snorted loudly.

"We're not kidnapping you. You already belong to us." Alex answered and I felt even more confused than I did before.

"What? I'm not yours, I don't even know who you idiots are." I said, desperately throwing my hands out in a 'what the hell- gesture'. They smiled at my outburst but didn't say anything and I muttered to myself:"Crazy lunatics"  because I knew that I couldn't say that out load.

"So my turn again, who hit you?" Alex said simply and I sighed but answered him:

"My foster dad." Their eyes now all turned completely black and I admitted that it was quite intimidating. I could see that they all wanted to ask more but they knew that it was my turn to ask so they stayed silent and only stared at me with their dark eyes. I didn't think for long and this time I asked:

"When will you let me go?" Their eyes turned visibly darker and my heart sped up slightly. "Maybe not such a good question" I thought when Alex opened his mouth and said with a dark voice:

"We're not letting you go, you belong to us."

I felt my mouth drop open as I stared at him, trying to process what he just said. They're not letting me go? Ever? I thought about Kate who was left at my "dads" place and grimaced at the thought of leaving her there. No I couldn't do that to her, I had to get back.

"I have something to ask, not really a question but anyway." Anton woke me from my thoughts and I nodded at him to go on.

"I want you to tuck your shirt up." He finally said and I gave him an 'are you crazy-face'. But as I thought about it I suddenly got an idea and I shot him a serious look meeting his gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Fine but only if we make a stop at a certain address." I said giving the other two a serious look too.

"No." Anton answered simply and my hopes crushed down.

"What why!? Okay, fine I'll do anything if you make one tiny stop." I said allowing a little bit of pleading to make its way into my voice. They looked at me suspiciously but finally Anton opened his mouth again and said:


I swallowed and thought about it for a few more seconds before I finally decided that it was worth it.

"Yes anything." I simply stated. They looked at me, surprise obvious in their eyes but then Anton nodded and said:

"What's your name?"

The question startled me because I had forgotten that they didn't really know my real name. It took me a second to answer but then I said:

"My name is Ash."

"Well Ash I guess we have a deal. One stop and then you'll do something we ask of you without objecting or refusing." He gave me a hard look and I simply nodded.

"Good, give me the address." He said and I thought about it for a moment before I answered:

"14 B Saltwater Bridge."

He nodded at me and picked up a phone starting to type in a number.

"Hey, we're making a quick stop at 14 B Saltwater Bridge, yes okay, aha yes bye." Anton hung up and I realized that he had told Kevin, who was driving the Lamborghini, about our agreement. I sighed in relief before I noticed that Alex had his eyes narrowed at me in suspicion.

"What?" I stared back innocently and he narrowed his gaze even more to let me know that he didn't trust me at all.

"How old are you?" He suddenly asked after a few minutes had passed and I gave him a curious look. Why did he want to know that? After a moment of silence I answered him:

"I'm seventeen, you?"

He nodded and changed a look with Adam before he said:

"I'm eighteen, Adam's nineteen and Anton is twenty."

I gave Anton a once over, yes he did look a bit older than the others but not much. I turned my gaze back at Alex and asked:

"Are you related?" 

Adam was the one answering me this time and he simply said:

"Yes, we're brothers."

"Well that explain the similarity" I thought nodding at him. We stayed silent after that and I was thinking about how I would solve the situation when we actually reached our destination. That thought kept me occupied the rest of the drive.

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