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I met up with Trevor in the parking lot on Monday morning, my hockey bag still in the backseat of his car. He opened the door and got the bag out, handing it to me.

"Thanks," I said with a tight lipped smile.

Trevor's smile didn't look like the one he usually wore. This one was strained and uncomfortable, not friendly.

I didn't know what to say to him, so I just didn't say anything as the two of us walked into school together. I bid him a quiet goodbye when I left to put my hockey bag in the locker room.

When I made it to English class and sat by Nadia and Lexa, it was clear that neither of them knew about the kiss Trevor and I shared.

"Where did you run off to Friday night?" Nadia asked as I sat down.

"Just went home," I lied.

"Why? We were having fun!" she exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "I know, you and Johnny were actually getting along."

Nadia scoffed and looked over at Lexa who just smirked at her and shrugged.

"Don't get used to it," Nadia said with a huff just as my teammates walked into the room together.

Fox let his gaze linger on me longer than the rest and it was like my eyes were glued to his, forcing me to keep eye contact.

"I wonder if any of them are secretly gay," Lexa thought out loud, looking over at where my teammates sat.

My eyes widened and I instantly denied her thought, "No, no. I don't think so."

"I bet at least one of them is," Nadia added, Lexa nodding in agreement.

I just shook my head and took my notebook out of my bag, not speaking to them for the rest of class.

By the time lunch rolled around, I hadn't spoken to any of the GSA kids and I wasn't looking forward to sitting with them. When I walked into the cafeteria and got my lunch, my eyes darted to where the hockey team sat and I made my way over there.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked, causing the guys to look up at me.

"About time you came to sit with us!" Ryan exclaimed with a wide smile.

I sat down beside Jude and across from Fox. There were a few girls at the table that I didn't recognize, one sitting closely beside Josh who looked as if he was trying not to make eye contact with me.

"You and Trevor get in a fight?" Alex teased, his mouth full of food.

I rolled my eyes and Fox punched him in the shoulder.

"Ow!" Alex complained, rubbing his shoulder.

I chuckled, looking over at Fox, silently thanking him.

"How bad was your hangover yesterday?" Ian asked me, a sneer on his face.


"Poor Fox had to babysit you," Ian teased.

"Why don't you take care of me like that, Fox?" Alex whined, causing Fox to narrow his eyes at him.

"Because you're more annoying than he is," Fox told him, causing me to smirk over at Alex who let out an exaggerated gasp.

"Don't be like that," Alex whined.

I chuckled at his childish behavior and started eating my lunch. When lunch ended, Fox and I walked out of the cafeteria together and were soon stopped by Claudia in the hallway.

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