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The next few days of tryouts blurred together and it was finally Friday, the day I would find out if I made the team. Tryouts went well throughout the week. I didn't think I had done anything to hurt my chances for getting on the team, though I did have to suffer through glares from Fox the entire week.

Trevor was standing at my locker by the time I had showed up. He leaned his right shoulder against it, looking down at his phone in his hand.

"What's up?" I asked as I approached him. Trevor instantly looked up from his phone when he heard me.

"Hey, Elijah," he greeted me kindly. "I was just wondering if you needed a ride to my house tonight."

I shrugged, opening my locker. "I can probably get my dad or Josh to drive me."

I saw Trevor nod out of the corner of my eye. "Okay, just let me know if you need me to pick you up. See you at lunch!"

With that, Trevor walked away, greeting people he passed in the hall. Trevor seemed to know everybody at this school, and everyone seemed to like him. He was just one of those people that was impossible to hate.

Soon after, the warning bell rang and I scurried down the hall to my English class. I kept my head down as I found my seat beside Nadia, who was texting on her phone and completely ignoring her pouting girlfriend beside her.

"What are you two fighting about now?" I dared to ask. I wasn't usually interested in their drama at all, but for some reason, I was intrigued.

"Nothing," Nadia replied, not bothering to look up from her phone. "Lex is just being a bitch."

I turned to Lexa to see her roll her eyes, the pout momentarily leaving her face. I raised my eyebrows at her, waiting to hear her side of the story.

"She's mad at me because she asked for my opinion on a dress she wanted to buy, and I told her it made her look frumpy," Lexa explained, her eyes traveling to her girlfriend as she spoke.

"Frumpy?" I asked confusedly. What the hell was frumpy?

"It was too baggy! It didn't show off her body! I was being honest," Lexa defended herself, placing a hand on her chest. Nadia just ignored her, continuing to stare down at her phone.

Instead of worsening the situation, I decided to pull out my notebook and pencil for English and leave the two girls alone to deal with their problem. Nadia would be over it by lunch time. The two of them fought about unimportant things so often, I grew accustomed to how their fights tended to pan out.

With about twenty minutes left in class, our teacher had us start doing our homework and even allowing us to work in groups. However, I wasn't excited to be working in a group with Nadia and Lexa while they weren't getting along. I hoped I would be able to just work by myself.

"Hey, Ellis!" a voice from behind me called out. I turned to look and see that the voice was Ryan, who was sitting with some other guys from the hockey team, including Fox Ridley.

Fox's glare was set on Ryan as he waved me over to their group. I looked over at Nadia and Lexa and the three of us shared confused expressions.

"I won't get mad at you for leaving us if you send me a picture of the homework later," Nadia told me and that was enough for me to get up and head to the back of the classroom where I was being summoned. Anything was better than dealing with the feuding girlfriends, even being glared at by Fox.

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