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I was drunk.

I sat alone in the corner of the living room with an entire bottle of gin to myself, staring blankly out at the party that was now in full swing.

The music was blaring while people danced and stumbled around. A guy and a girl were making out right in front of me, but I tried to pay them no mind. I didn't want to see that.

Not being able to ignore the gross couple, I stood up from the couch, stumbling a bit as I did, and started toward the kitchen. I swayed as I walked and my surroundings were blurry.

Someone stopped me when I got into the kitchen.

"Did you drink that whole bottle?" the voice asked me.

"No," I slurred, squinting my eyes at the person in front of me. It took me a few seconds to realize it was Ian.

"Kinda looks like you did," Ian accused, pointing toward the bottle.

I lifted the bottle and got a good look at it to see that it was empty.


I slid the empty bottle on a clear part of the counter and started walking further into the kitchen, Ian following me.

"Need more," I muttered, surveying the other alcohol lined up on the counter.

"I don't think you do," Ian interjected, grabbing onto my shoulder.

I shrugged him off, reaching out to grab a new bottle. Ian pulled on my shoulder roughly and forced me to put the bottle down and dragged me away from the kitchen. I tripped over my own feet, falling into him. Even in my hazy state, I could feel the annoyance radiating off of him.

He was dragging me along quickly, causing my stomach to stir. I didn't know how much longer I could last without puking. I closed my eyes as he pulled me, already feeling sick.

After a few moments we stopped and Ian pushed me toward someone, causing me to bump into them.

"Someone needs to take care of his drunk ass and it's not going to be me," Ian said to the person I was now leaning against.

"How much has he had?" It was Fox who said that. I would recognize that voice anywhere.

"At least a whole bottle," Ian replied.

I groaned and opened my eyes to see both of them looking down at me. Fox was holding a cup in one hand while his other was holding me steady. Without thinking about it, I swiped the cup from his hand and downed its contents. I let out a whine when I realized it was only water.

"I thought you were drinking tonight," I slurred, poking his chest with my finger.

"I did earlier," Fox told me with a scoff. "I need to sober up to drive, dumbass."

I let out a huff and stepped away from him, looking around the room. I was about to head back toward the kitchen when someone grabbed onto my wrist and caused me to stop.

"Hey, seriously, you've had enough," Fox chastised me, sending me a stern look.

"I need more before I start to 'member," I complained with a hiccup, rubbing my eye with the back of my hand.

"Remember what?" Fox asked. Ian was looking at me like I was crazy.

"I don't know," I said. "And I want to keep it that way."

I tried walking away again, but Ian stood in front of me and shook his head. Before I could argue with him, a wave of nausea blew through me and I doubled over in pain.

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