Bonus | 02 - Fox's POV

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Fox's Anthology

The Lake

Elijah spun around on the ice like he was in his own winter wonderland, laughing with glee as he glanced around at our surroundings. The ice at our feet looked like crystals while the setting sun made everything around us glow. Elijah's smile beamed like he was glowing himself.

"Doesn't this look so cool?" Elijah asked, staring up at the sky.

He looked so content, in a beautiful bliss. I had never seen him so at ease, the tension he usually carried having vanished as soon as he laid eyes on the lake.

Happiness looked good on him, and seeing him like that made butterflies erupt in my stomach. I wanted to see him like this all the time. So beautiful and happy and serene.

"Yeah, it's cool," I agreed, clearing my throat and trying to push my thoughts to the back of my mind.

Elijah turned his gaze to me with an unreadable expression, yet still looked peaceful beyond words. He slowly skated backwards until Alex came up to us with his loud voice.

"One of you race me," Alex commanded, looking as if he was about two seconds away from passing out and needing to be carried back to the hotel. It wasn't about to be me who carried him.

"You look like you're about to fall over," Elijah told him.

"Yet he'd still beat you in a race," I couldn't stop myself from saying. No matter how much I enjoyed to look at Elijah, and no matter how his beauty made me feel inside, I couldn't keep myself from poking fun.

Elijah narrowed his eyes at me, and he still looked as endearing as ever.

"I'm not slow," he said.

"Both of you race me then!" Alex exclaimed.

I was about to deny him before Elijah nodded in agreement and allowed Alex to lead us over to the rest of the group. It felt like I followed Elijah like a lost puppy. And if any of the guys knew what was going on with us, they'd think the same.

We had competed in two races, me being the victor in both of them, even with Elijah trying to pull me down. His laughs as he fell and slid on the ice were enough to send the flutters in my stomach again. I chuckled at him, placing my hand on my chest as I slid over to where he laid on his back, and leaned over him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, not able to stop myself from laughing.

"I would've won," he said which only caused me to laugh harder and offer him my hand.

"Sure you would've," I replied as I pulled him up to his feet. 

Once his hand was in mine, it was hard to let go of. I wanted to keep it and keep him warm, but the others were around. I mentally cursed at myself for caring what they thought about us. I wanted to hold onto Elijah's hand and not worry about what anyone had to say about it. It was stupid, really, thinking anyone would judge me for holding hands with him. I let go of him and my hand was icy cold once again.

I smiled slightly at him, his cheeks rosy and his deep breaths clouding above him, and gestured for him to follow me. We skated side by side and I watched him, not able to take my eyes off his face. 

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