you are ready

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Published 6/24/19

Tsu'tey still felt like he needed to do something for me,  to make up for his actions even though I had told him that there was nothing to forgive.

But he can be hard headed sometimes. So as a way to say sorry Tsu'tey is taking me hunting to see if I'm ready to take the ultimate test.  The test to see if I'm worthy of gaining my wings.  My ikran.

Tsu'tey and I were slowly moving through the jungle as rain poured down on us. Being mindful of where I stepped so I didn't make any loud sounds that would scare off any near by animals.

Tsu'tey was a couple feet behind me letting me lead the way as I followed a set of animal tracks.

As I heard a stick snap I quickly put my hand up signaling for Tsu'tey to stop and not move.  I used my sensitive hearing to pinpoint the direction of the animal.

I slowly got into a low crouch position and stealthily made my way closer to my target.  As I got closer I saw that it was very full grown talioang. (In media above)

It was grazing in a small open patch of tall grass . Slowly I pulled my bow off my body grabbing an arrow from my back and notching it.  Pulling the string back I held my breath making sure my aim is true. As I release the air from my lungs, I released the arrow letting it fly through the air hitting the talioang.

The alioang let out a pain filled screech as it fell to the ground on it's side.  Letting out moans of some sort,  of pain.  Quickly putting the bow back onto my body I raced off towards the alioang getting my knife from its holster. Using my knees to pin its neck down I spoke in Navi

"Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo.
Ngari hu Eywa salew tirea..." then I jabbed my knife into its heart ending its suffering.  Making it go quiet.
"tokx 'ì'awn... slu Na'viyä hapxì"

I See you, brother, and thank you. Your spirit goes with Eywa... your body stays behind... to become part of The People.

I thanked the alioang taking my knees off it's neck.  I pulled my blade from it's body putting it back into it's holster.  Before focusing on the arrow  lodged in its body.  As I was focusing on taking it out  tsu'tey gets closer to me.

"A clean kill" tsu'teys voice cuts through the air.  Gaining my attention. I look up at him as he is standing and watching me.  "You are ready" he spoke the words that I have been dying to hear since he told me he wanted to take me hunting.  A smile grew on my lips as him and i held eye contact neither one of us wanting to look away.  It was like we were in a trance.  Afraid if we looked away that we would never see eachother again. 

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