My Avatar

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Posted 1-8-18
Soldaat pov

My eyes shot open but I immediately closed them due to the bright blinding lights. After a few seconds, my new eyes finally adjusted, and I could now see clearly. Looking around I noticed that I was located in a different room than where I was located before.  I slowly sat up making one of the female scientists step back away from me, giving me room.

"Wow, this is incredible," I whispered as I turned my attention down to my new body, taking note of the shocking different tones of blue in my skin. The woman kept trying to talk to me, telling me what to do but I ignored her as I moved my hands. Doing as I please to analyze my new body. I slowly maneuvered my blue body so I could throw my long legs over the side of the medical bed and so that my feet could touch the ice-cold floor.

I easily wiggled my toes and fingers somewhat following the instructions the woman was asking me to do. Until I spotted Jake starting to stand up out of the corner of my eye. (That fucking idiot!). People were immediately yelling at him trying to get him to sit down. Hell, even Norm was trying to help, telling Jake what to do otherwise they were going to sedate him. But Jake was not interested in the slightest in listening to what anyone had to say as he was running out the door.

(Well Fuck) I dropped my head and covered my eyes with my hand, (this boy) I sighed.

I quickly stood up and pulled all the needles out of my arm and patches. Ignore everyone that was trying to tell me what to do. I ran after the idiot names Jake Sully. I'll admit he was fast but if I've learned anything in my life is that im always faster. I easily dodged people and other Avatars left and right as I was quickly catching up to Jake. I easily jumped over the human that was in one of the giant metal suits and tackled jake to the ground when he finally came to a stop.

"YOU!" I screamed at him as I pushed his face into the dirt twisting one of his arms behind his back. "What the fuck were you thinking!!" I yelled at him as I released him and reached down to help him up. He gave me a shy nervous smile as he grabbed my hand to help himself up. Before I could scold him even more I heard a familiar female voice call out to us.

"Hey, you 2" I looked up and spotted an Avatar that had a striking resemblance to Grace. I tilted my head at her like a cat as I felt my ears twitch in curiosity. "Grace?" Jake and I question in unison. "Well who did you expect?" she smirked back to us as she pulled off these 2 fruit things from a bush "think fast," Grace said as she tossed one to me and the other to Jake "motor controls looking good,"  she remarked as I cautiously bit into my fruit kinda thing, and the juice immediately overflowed my mouth and dripped down my chin. (It tasted incredible!) Jake had the same problem as me getting the juice everywhere on himself, as he gave Grace a goofy boyish smile.

(He's so happy he can walk again even though it's not his real body)

After that me and Jake along with Norm who gave us a stern lecture about us running off we were taken to a large room where we were given clothes. Which I am grateful for because before we were only wearing hospital gowns that only covered the front of our bodies. I was given a black crop top and a pair of jean shorts along with brown combat boots. After a long day of getting used to my new body and training with it, it was time to put our Avatars to rest and go back to our human bodies. I layed down on a bed and heard grace kick out the humans and tell jake not to play with something or he will go blind. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sound of animals which reminded me of home on another planet. (Did I really make the right choice to leave them?)

I blinked open my eyes to see the lid of the bed above me. I was back in my human body. I carefully opened the lid and moved the stuff off my chest and slowly sit up. I stretch my arms above my head and back until I hear the satisfying pops and cracks come from my joints. I easily stand up and look over at Jake. "I'm gonna head over to the chow hall and then head to the training facility if you wanna join me later" I informed him. He looked my way and nodded with a smile "I'll probably catch up with you at the facility". I walked out of the lab and down the cafeteria.

I grabbed an apple and water before heading to the training facility. As the doors slid open I couldn't stop the low whistle from escaping me in shock. I walked around and looked at all the weapons I could use lined up along the walls until I spotted a bow and a set of metal arrows. Not even thinking twice I quickly made my way over and snatched up the bow and the quiver of arrows. I darted over into the simulation room. Turning on the settings to 8 I made my way to the center of the room and waited till the orange lasers turned on.

 Turning on the settings to 8 I made my way to the center of the room and waited till the orange lasers turned on

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(this was going to be fun) I smirked and got ready. Pulling the string back with an arrow notched. Humanoid beings made of orange blocks came rushing at me from multiple directions. I started shooting the arrows going left and right doing some flips and spins hitting every one of the humanoids right in the middle of the head never missing a shot. Then I spotted the last one on the second floor rushing to jump down on me. I quickly notched one last arrow and shot. Orange cubes went over me as the simulator turned off.

"You have successfully hit all targets

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"You have successfully hit all targets. Would you like to go up a level?" A robotic voice called out.
Before I could answer I spotted something out of the corner of my eye.

I turned fully and saw a large group of soldiers watching me outside of the glass and Jake and Norm were in the front row watching me along with a woman with dark brown hair with sunglasses wearing a pilot suit.

I made my way toward Jake and Norm. "That was amazing!" Norm exclaimed in awe Jake nodded agreeing with him. "Sol I'd like to introduce you to Trudy, our pilot," jake introduced us.

I nodded and stuck my hand out for her to "it's a pleasure to meet you, the names soldaat but you can call me Sol" I introduced myself to her. "It's nice to meet you too. You're pretty good with a bow any better with a gun?" she smirked at me while releasing my hand. " I would say I'm pretty good with a gun and any other weapon you can think of" I stated back returning her smirk. "I think me and you are going to get along just fine," Trudy stated. I nodded my head in agreement "well I'm off to take a shower and then to bed so I'll see you guys in the morning ." I shouted over my shoulder with a wave of my hand as I walked out of the training facility.

~ Next day ~

Me and the guys were back in our Avatar bodies along with Grace while Trudy was piloting the  Aerospatiale SA-2. It was an incredible piece of aircraft. I've never seen anything like it before back on earth. It was memorizing seeing pandora from the air. The water was so clear and the wildlife was extraordinary. I was leaning as far as I could out of the open sides of the aircraft as the safety harness would allow. I was greedily taking in the freedom of being off that concrete cell of a base.

Trudy slowly started to descend to the forest floor in a small clearing. I was the first to jump off soon followed by Jake to look for any signs of danger. Seeing nothing I gave a thumbs up signaling that we were all clear. Trudy nodded her head and returned the thumbs up as she turned off her chopper.

Grace soon was ahead of us leading us through the forest of pandora. But I had a sickening feeling in my stomach that I could just not shake as we stepped further and further into the trees. (Something wasn't right)

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