the people

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I could faintly hear Jake and the Na' vi woman arguing, I could tell I was being held up by Jake since his voice was the loudest out of the two of them and I was in someone's arms that definitely felt male.

All of a sudden I was flying in the air and the wind was roughly knocked out of me as I hit the mossy forest floor. My eyes shot open as I gasp for air in a silent scream, I had landed on my injured shoulder and it hurt so fucking much. I slowly sat up and saw that Jake and I were completely surrounded by Na'vi.

I froze as I saw a Direhorse and its rider come up to us. I looked at the Na'vi and noticed the women who saved jake and I protecting us. I then finally recognized her, it was Neytiri the princess of the Na' vi tribe.

The male Na' vi on the Direhorse was Tsu'tey. My heart speeds up a bit. I slowly tried to stand with the help of Jake. I lost a lot of blood and my shoulder was burning even more. I wince in pain but stood up straight. Me standing seems to have caught the attention of Tsu'tey as he watched me.

Jake and I were then grabbed and started to be dragged along. The tight grips on my arms hurt but I did my best to keep a neutral face, I won't ever look weak in front of anyone.

I gazed up as we grew closer to the giant tree that the Na' vi had claimed as their home, I couldn't control my jaw as it slacked at its beauty. As we make our way through the roots of the tree where the Na' vi live and called home.

We were surrounded, ages ranging from just a few months or even days to old and grey.

They watched us, some even reached out to touch us, some looked at us with fear while other's curiosity. We were brought to the front and now stood in front of the clan leader. We were then released and shoved forward a few steps. I regain my stability and quickly kneel to the ground showing respect to the clan leader just like my father taught me to do when I was just a child.

Eytukan stepped forward towards us. His gaze hard as stone as he took us in. He started to speak, Jake then decided to open his big mouth asking questions on who he was.

"Have you no knowledge of these people" I growl at him still kneeling casting him a side glare. "He is Eytukan the leader of the Omaticaya clan, Neytiri's father" I whispered to him harshly.

"What's he saying," he asked. "He's debating whether or not to kill us" I snapped. "So I suggest you shut up, before you get us into more shit" I growled lowly. Jake ignored my words as he decided to do something stupid.

He steps forward and tries to shake hands with Eytukan!! I jump off the ground grabbing him along with a few others stopping him from taking another step.

Then I hear a women shout. We stood still as the Na'vi people back up. A woman stepped forward. Mo'at the mate of Eytukan. I stepped back away from Jake as she came to us. She walked around Jake examining him.

She pulls a sharp bone from her necklace and stabbed him, she then brought it to her lips and tasted his blood. Her attention turned to me as she made her way over to me examining me like she did Jake. Then she stabbed me I didn't even flinch.

She tasted my blood and looked me in the eyes. "What are you called" she demanded. Jake answered first. "Jake Sully," he introduced himself. Then I answered "Soldaat". She had a curious look in her eyes. "Why have you come to us?" she demands. "We came to learn the way of your people," I told her.

"We have tried to teach other sky people, it is hard to fill a cup which is already full," she told me. "Our cups are empty, especially his" I nod my head to Jake. I heard a small chuckle and looked out of the corner of my eye and saw it was Tsu'tey. "What are you?" She questions. Jake went first. "I was a marine...... A warrior of the ..... jarhead clan," Jake said. Tsu'tey stepped forward. "A warrior, I can kill him easily" he was stopped by Eytukan.

I then spoke "I am from a clan of great warriors, we are called the Vuurpyl tribe, I was their protector and their next chief," I told her gaining a lot of attention. I looked over to Neytiri, and Tsu'tey their eyes held interest in me.
Eytukan started to speak.

"Theses are the first sky people warriors we have seen. We must learn from them."(a/n sorry if it's not correct I couldn't find this scene with subs) Mo'at went to Neytiri telling her that she would be training Jake. Then she went to Tsu'tey telling him that he will train me, let me tell you he didn't look happy at all. If anything he looked as if he wanted to kill me.

Neytiri brought me to a place where I could get some of their clothes. As I was trying to get the clothes on keyword trying. I couldn't get the loincloth over my butt and the top did nothing to cover my breasts.

I had no choice but to put my regular clothes back on and went to Neytiri. "Are our clothes not fit for you" she growled at me. "No, no, they are lovely it's just the top does not cover my breasts at all and the bottoms don't go up past my bottom, they are too small," I told her kinda embarrassed. Her eyes widen in shock. "Come with me," she told me I followed her until we reached a small group of women. They were making things it appeared.

She spoke to the women about clothes for me. They all looked at me with wide eyes. They nodded to Neytiri and pulled me away and started to undress me to measure me. I didn't feel embarrassed because it was just like home. It was natural for women to be nude around one another and make clothes. They grabbed different kinds of fabrics and beads and got to work creating clothes for me. During this time some of the young female children came in to see their mothers. They were curious about me.

So I started to tell them stories of my people. They were entranced by them, they were very curious about earth and my tribe. Their mothers watched us with soft eyes at my way with their children. The entire time I was speaking, I was talking in Na'vi. I was so used to practicing it, that it almost seemed like my first language. Some of the girls then insisted on braiding my hair. "We are done" a mother called to me.

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