20. Stupid Stunts

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A L M I R A' S P O V

My eyes fluttered open making me realise  that I am not like how I used to sleep.

There's a change.

A major change.

Wait, am I missing something?


I turned to my left just to see the culprit.

"IBRAHIM SHAFIN SAYED!?" I shouted in anger as he jolted up from his sleep.

I didn't give him a chance to justify anything.

"HOW DARE YOU BREAK THE PILLOW WAL-" I was cut off when he kept his hand on my mouth making my voice muffled.

"Yes, I love you but that doesn't mean that you can scream in my ear, angel face. Also, I was missing you taking my full name." Rahim spoke softly me as if I were a five year old. He was looking at me with such immense amount of intensity that I found myself lost in those black onyx, the gemstone, like eyes.

I came to my senses when I figured out that I cannot move my mouth. I bit his hand when also came out if his trance as he gasped in pain.

"Which toothpaste do you use?" He hissed, as he caressed his hand.

"The one which you use." I sprinted in to the washroom to have a relaxing bath.

After I came out of bathroom, I saw Rahim sleeping again. How much does this guy sleep?

I shook him to wake up for Salah.

"Rahim." I shook his shoulders again. "Rahim get up na yaar!" I sighed dejectedly.

"Hmm, 5 minutes." How could he sleep again after I bit him.

"Get up at instant." I gritted my teeth at him. I was literally this close to loose my patience.

"Sirf paanch minute please." He replied groggily taking my hand, which was on his shoulders to shake him, and snuggled more which causing me to sit beside him. (Only five minutes please.)

"Rahim. . . Wake up its Fajr time." I scolded. He is making me also late for my prayer.

"That's it." I whispered to myself.

"IBRAHIM!" I screamed in his ear as he got up as quick as lightening.

As he got up his cheek got in contact with my lips which were near his ears making my eyes get widen like saucers.

"Oh wow!" He lazily settled himself on his shoulder. "I'd like to wake up in this way every morning." He grinned. I detached myself from him to start my prayer.

It was time for Dua (time to wish, ask God about anything and everything; correct me if I am wrong people), when I just close my eyes and ask whatever I want from Allah and share all my worries with Him.

I guess it was just ten minutes or so when I opened my eyes just to find Rahim staring at me in awe.

"Since how long have you been staring at me?" I asked him folding my prayer mat.

"Since I finished offering my Salah." Came his reply. "Do you have an inhaler?" Why does he need that?

"No. With God's grace. I am perfectly fine. Why? You want it?" I was tiny bit worried about him. I mean for sake of humanity. Does he have asthma?

"Hmm cause you took my breath away." I take my words back. All of them. I spoke too soon.

I gave him a weirded out look walked away to get ready for the day.

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