4. Decisions

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A L M I R A' S  P O V

"Did Rahim catch fever or something? Or has he banged his head somewhere else?" Nada inquired of me. She knew that we both never get along.

"No! He was just doing all this to get out of the situation. In reality, he will never do all these things. I mean really that's gross, G-R-O-S-S." I said making a disgusting face.

"Hmm. Anyway, let's go. Did you complete the assignment?" She inquired of me. And that's how my whole day of college went in lectures, books and teachers.

During break I spilled Nada everything about Nano's and Dadu's decision and how both me and Rahim are stuck.

"Please Nada give me a solution or a way to commit suicide. Because after marrying him I am sure I won't be able to live." I begged her to give me some solution.

"Hey Rahim is not that bad. I know he is a good person come on you see he looks at me like a little sister even I know things about him also he has a good job and even his looks are also nice then what's the problem?" She turned towards me.

"Only his brother side is nice if you'll see his husband side then I am sure you would want to erase him from your memory." I added.

"Anyway lets go only five minutes are left for the bell to ring." She rushed pushing all her things splattered on table inside her bag.

"Ya lets go. I don't want anymore impositions for getting late." I also stood up with my bag. And we both exited the cafeteria.

The college was over now and I was returning home back with Nada. We decided to go by bus today. Actually Nada drops me at home but today her car was in the garage for service. So here we were at the bus stop. Actually Rahim only drops me at college he doesn't pick me because he says he's busy which I highly doubt.

The whole ride I was thinking about the possibilities of what would our parents say after I tell them my decision.

"Mira just relax and tell them your decision after all you are not alone Rahim is there with you." I scoffed at hearing Nada's words. My bus stop had come and I was going to alight when Nada started boosting me.

"Ya let's see what happens today. AllahHafiz take care Nada." I waved at her and walked towards home.

"I want the details." Nada screamed from the window.

"Of course I will." I shouted back and waving at her.

I went home did my wudhu (ablution) and offered my Zuhur (second prayer of the day for Muslims) salah (prayer). We all had our lunch and the day went on. By quarter past seven, Rahim was at home.

I was going in the kitchen when someone held my arm. And that someone was my better half. SARCASM.

"WHAT?!" I flinched because of his touch.

"Have you practiced about what are we gonna say?" He questioned me.

"Of course. The question is did you practice?" I asked him sceptically because looking at his face it doesn't seem that he would've practiced.

"And wait a second what was that cheap kind of stunt that you pulled today!? YOU IDIOT HOW DARE YOU DO THAT?!" I roared at him. I needed to teach this cheap person a lesson about what he did today.

"Excuse me Mis-" He was speaking but I cut him off by saying

"You are excused." There was no need to say that but that is just me being me.

"Don't try to act over smart here. And about the incident at college it was you who started it. You knew I don't like meeting new people but still you dragged me there. So I just took my revenge by embarrassing you." He just stood there and folded his hands across his chest.

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