1. Mira and Rahim

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A L M I R A' S P O V

"RAHIM!?" I screamed at Ibrahim the person who has tortured me since the day I was born.

Actually we both are neighbors and our parents and our grandfathers are best friends. So we practically live in a bungalow which is kind of divided between the two families but everyone just stays in one house but for some privacy it has been dived into rooms. Also the friendship between the two families has taken a step ahead. You will come to know what it is later.

I mean I didn't understand this concept that which friends live under the same house atleast I can't especially because of this dumb idiot, Ibrahim. Another reason we all live together is because both of our parents have no siblings so our grandparents decided to stay with this arrangement. This stupid Ibrahim is the son of Uncle Inam and Aunt Maroosha. Anyway this nincompoo has eaten my whole donut which I was going to it.

"Argh....I HATE YOU! IBRAHIM SHAFIN SAYED! GET DOWN HERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OR ELSE-" I was cut off with this majesty's sweet voice who was walking down the stairs as if he owns this whole place. Please note the sarcasm.

"Or else? Or else what will you do? Eat me alive?" He mocked me which infuriated me more.

"Eww. . . Who would want eat you alive? Yikes! You would taste so bad. Just thinking about eating you makes me puke." I gagged at him making a disgusting face.

"I do not even want to get eaten by maniac who does nothing but screams at me all day." He retorted back.

"You fooli-" I was just going to give him a very good comeback when my mother cut me off. Why are people cutting me off today?!

"Mira, Rahim what happened? Why are you guys fighting early in the morning?"

"Mum!" "Aunt!" We both said together.

"One at a time." My mom said exasperated, totally used to our daily routine of fighting.

"Mom, the donut which I kept on the table and was going to eat he ate all of it."Iwhined saying her the truth.

"Wait! Who eats a dounut in the morning for breakfast? It will give you stomach ache." Mom spoke with astonishment. Wait a minute who gets a stomach ache if they eat a donut in the morning? She and her logic I can never understand any of them.

"Yes Aunt you are so true. Mira it will give you a stomach ache. That's why I ate it." He defended himself.

"And why do you care if I get a stomach ache or not because last time I checked I was just a person who does nothing and screams at you all day, right?" I was clearly understanding that how he was defending himself.

"Umm..because..." He stammered.

Huh I knew it. Afterall we are enemies since birth. If one us dies the other one will celebrate the others' death ceremony.

"Uhh..because I am your husband?" That also came out as a question. I really wanted to slap across his face but refrained myself as Mom was standing there.

Now he used our marriage as a trick. Pathetic.

Yes, unfortunately we are married because Rahim's grandmother had passed six months ago and her last wish was to get us married because Rahim was her one and only grandchild and the whole family agreed. And now we both are stuck for how long I don't even know.

And this moron is stating that he's my husband. Yes he is, but he's using it as an excuse to save himself. Ugh, every single second with him makes me hate him more and more.

"Husband?! My foot-" Ofcourse people as soon as I start talking someone has to interrupt. And this time it was my brother, Hamdan.

"Wow Appi such a caring husband you've got." For a thirteen year old he surely talks a lot. (Sister.)

"If you like him so much then why don't you marry him? I will divorce him right now for you!" I snapped at my brother who was teasing me but honey, even I can give you combacks. Claps for Almira Zainab Khan sorry...uhh got carried away I guess.

"Mira!? How could you talk about Rahim like that? He is your husband for God's sake!" Mom scolded me for talking against this egotistical man.

"Oh Aunt, what do I say? This Mira is like this. Doesn't know how to respect her husband but nevermind we'll continue with our breakfast. Hamdan go call everyone." Such a drama queen. I HATE HIM. Period.

He just smirked at me and I could see that he was clearly enjoying his victory. Ughhhh!

Everyone was seated at the dining table. Nona, (my grandfather), Daddu, (Rahim's grandfather), Mom, Abbu, Uncle Inam and Aunt Maroosha, Hamdan and my beloved husband who just sat accrosed me. Level of sarcasm: VERY HIGH.

Everyone greeted each other and started eating and I shoot a glare towards Rahim who ate my donut and now was smirking at me.

"If you both have had enough of staring at each other then please start with your food." Aunt Maroosha drawled in a teasing manner.

As soon as she said these words I made a disgusting face at him and I also received the same kind of expression from him.

Everybody was eating thier breaks fast peaceful- "I think we should fix the date of Mira's and Rahim's Ruksati." But Nano decided to drop the bomb on us by bringing the topic of Ruksati.

And immediately I and Rahim's face was so shocked. Actually Ruksati is a ceremony which is done after Nikah (Marriage in muslims) that is to completely be with Rahim....like be with him most of the time and move in with him in his room.

And that's what was dreading me. As our Nikah took place in a hurry because of Rahim's grandmothers' illness our parents decided to just let the Nikah be done. After Nikah there's Ruksati then after one day there would be our you know the Valima (reception). Now Nano has come up with this stupid idea.

It was not a forced marriage. I had completely given my agreement and so did Ibrahim. Our parents asked if we don't want to marry each other, it would be totally fine. We both were in it, totally. We just didn't want Ruksati to happen. At least not so soon.

I really wanted to cry right now and I feel after looking at Rahim's face he also wanted to do the same thing.

Asalamwalaikum and hello people!! So this was the first chapter guys. I hope you enjoyed it. Please do vote, comment about your favourite character and do give me suggestions and share.

AllahHafiz and Take care.

Also, do tell me your favourite part of the chapter.


Hate And Fate | √ |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora