14. Creep

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A L M I R A' S P O V

Ughh. . . This guy can't even do one thing properly.

It was the next morning, when I had to get up early, unwillingly, cause there was an event held today. After taking a shower, I was all ready to get dressed up when I noticed that the Zara's dress which I was going to wear today is nowhere to be found.

Where did Rahim keep it?

I stalked towards Rahim, who sleeping soundlessly, and poked him this guy didn't get up. I sighed knowing that he won't get up anytime soon and again went inside the bathroom to check if it's there or not as he said last night that he kept in here. From the mirror I saw a peach coloured dress hanging on the hanger.

Wow! Peach? My favourite colour!

But, how did Rahim know my favourite colour? I'll ask him about that.

I changed, as I was roaming in my bath robe the whole time, in my regular clothes, offered my Salah (prayer) and started getting ready for today.

I wore my dress, did a little bit to of makeup wore my jewellery, which I guess Zara gave to Rahim with the dress, and descended down for the day.

As I was going down I remembered that I didn't wake Rahim for Fajr. I assumed that he must've set the alarm and continued walk down, nonetheless.

Firstly, I decided to meet Shazia.

"Hi Shazia." I knocked the door and spotted both Zara and Shazia sitting there with a very messy room.

"Asalamwalaikum (Peace be upon you) Bhabhi (sister-in-law)." They spoke in unison except Zara's tone was more excited.

"Bhabhi you are looking so pretty." Zara complimented.

"Thank you. But why are you two not ready?" I questioned them as they were wearing their dress but the hair and makeup was not done.

"Actually the makeup artist cancelled our appointment and now we are figuring out what to do." Shazia explained the problem, holding her head in hands.

"I can do it." I added. "You guys can relax . I'll do your hair and makeup." I offered them. "Of course if you both want me to."

"Really?!" Zara exclaimed standing up from her place as I nodded at her.

An hour had passed, I was just touching up Shazia's hair as Zara's was already done and she was searching for her heels when someone knocked harshly. Who is so impatient?

"Who is knocking so bad?" Zara muttered, irritated by the continuous harsh knocks.

"Wait I'll open the door." I  to open the door to see Rahim standing in sweatpants and t-shirt.

"Why aren't you changed?" "Where were you?" We both asked each other.

"Bhabhi, who is it?" I heard Shazia ask.

"Your good for nothing brother." I muttered lowly.

"Ha! Who?" She again asked.

"Rahim! Rahim is here." I shouted back.

"Oh then he must be here to meet you." Zara's teasing voice reached my ears.

"Where were you!" Rahim again asked. God gave him eyes I guess.

"Is your eyesight weak? That you cant even see things properly. I was here getting Zara and Shazia ready." I answered him nonchalantly.

"You didn't even wake me up." He whined like a kid.

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