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Her Boyfriend

"I FEEL like I've barely seen you at all this month, Ken," Phoenix said as she plopped down onto the couch next to Kendall.

"That's not true," Kendall replied, shaking her head. The two were in Phoenix's condo, gorging on Chipotle. It was a quarter past noon, so Ryan was still at work. Kendall didn't understand why Ryan had to go to set on a Saturday, but apparently the dreary weather was perfect for a scene he was in.

"It totally is true," Phoenix opposed. "Ever since you and Ryan became a thing, your schedule's been: eat, see Ryan, sleep, repeat."

Kendall furrowed her brows at her friend. "No it hasn't."

"Yes, Kendall, it has." Distracted by her white cat that was brushing itself against her leg, Phoenix picked her up, then turned back to Kendall. "It's like he's smothering you."

Kendall sighed and shook her head. "He's not smothering me."

Kendall didn't want to admit to herself that Phoenix's words might be true. Everything had been perfect between her and Ryan, and she didn't want to lose the limerence that she felt whenever she was around him. But Ryan had been so kind to her, so she didn't realize that she was spending most of her time with him. Ryan made Kendall feel like she was sinning if she even thought about giving her time to someone else. But he was her boyfriend, and Kendall figured that it was supposed to be that way.

Phoenix stroked her cat. "Well, Bunny thinks that Ryan's way too possessive." Kendall opened her mouth to respond, but Phoenix quickly spoke again. "Don't you dare give me that 'he just cares about me' bullshit. I care about Maria, yet I don't feel the need to spend every waking moment with her because I trust her. And I know that Ryan's the clingy one in your relationship, so what does that say about his trust in you?"

Trust had always been important to Kendall. She knew that it was the base of every relationship, whether it be between a mother and her daughter, sisters, or friends. Trust was something that she wanted others to have in her because it made her feel good. She loved knowing that people felt like they could confide in her with their issues or secrets. Trust was like a promise of love and acceptance to Kendall. If a person trusted her, she knew that they valued her. Kendall wanted to believe that Ryan trusted her, but Phoenix was causing her to wonder if he really did.

Kendall shrugged and played with her mint-colored fingernails. "I don't know."

"Bullshit. You know exactly what it means." Concern swirled in Phoenix's eyes as she tilted her head to the side, noticing how Kendall's mood suddenly shifted. "I just want you to be careful. You and Ryan might not be in the healthiest relationship right now. Something about him just doesn't seem right."

Kendall nodded weakly as her phone began to ring. She picked it up from the glass coffee table, looking almost immediately to see who was calling.

It was Ryan.

Kendall's thumb hovered over the green accept circle. She didn't know if she should answer him or not. The phone's ringtone seemed to be screaming at her to pick up. Kendall hesitantly moved her thumb to press the taunting green circle, but Phoenix quickly snatched the phone from her before she could do so.

"No. You're going to have a Ryan-free day today." Phoenix held up the phone and waved it in Kendall's face, taunting her with it. "I'm turning this off, and later we will celebrate your future record deal."

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