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His Girl

KENDALL WALKED along the busy sidewalks to get to work. The sun was still only halfway up, which caused the sky to be different hues of pink and orange. A chilly January breeze enveloped Kendall, making the ends of her long, beige trench coat float up slightly. She stopped at a crosswalk, watching the various sizes and colors of cars whoosh past her.

"Um, excuse me?"

Kendall turned to look at the teen girl that stood next to her.

"What's it like dating Ryan Hughes?"

Did people really believe the crap gossip sites fed them? Surely they had to be smarter than that. But Kendall's answer was five foot two and standing right next to her.

"Are you lost?" Kendall asked, not taking her gaze off the passing cars.

"No," the girl retorted bluntly. "I was just asking a question. Geez."

Without responding to the teen, Kendall continued her walk. People whisper and stare at her, but she didn't care.

Gossip sites spread rumors. And rumors have to die eventually.

"Morning, Kendall."

"Good morning, Gina."

Gina paused from wiping the countertop in order to look up at Kendall. "So. Is it true?"

"No. It's not."

Gina frowned. "I was kind of hoping it was."

Kendall shrugged. "Sorry."

For the duration of the day, time seemed to move by slowly. Kendall couldn't fight how sluggish she felt after being asked the same question repeatedly. Everyone had walked through the shop's glass doors that day. Everyone except the one person Kendall wanted to see.

It was imperative that she asked Ryan to kill the rumor that was now spreading like a wildfire.

She felt hazy and tired. The powerful scent of coffee went up her nose in whiffs until she felt as if she were drowning in it.

Earlier in the day she had noticed a man standing directly outside of the store window with a camera. But now there were many more men and women with cameras, competing for space to take a clear picture. Only the boldest ones dared to step inside and bombard her with questions. However, their daring acts would be cut short due to the store manager who forced them out.

Angst suffocated her. It felt like a heavy object had been forced down her throat, depriving her of air. It didn't feel like the type of nervousness she experienced before performing. For some odd reason, the feeling she had was a million times worse.

These people would take these pictures and show them to the world. It wouldn't just be a bar crowd that judged her. The entire Earth would.

She quickly untied her apron. She had to leave. She had to go somewhere. Anywhere.

But she couldn't. She was trapped inside, and Ryan had the only key that could let her out. And no matter how hard Kendall begged, he didn't move to unlock the door. He just stood there, laughing at her, taunting her.

"Kendall? Kendall!"

Eric looked down at her with concerned eyes. "You're bleeding."

Kendall dropped the shards of glass and got up out of the hot coffee she was kneeling in.

The store grew silent, gawking at the whole ordeal. The only thing that could be heard was the manager yelling at the paparazzi, threatening to call the police.

Ryan walked into the store with an outraged expression as he watched Eric comfort Kendall.

That should be him standing next to her. Kendall was his girl. He was the love of her life. He had the resources to provide for Kendall. Kendall was his. Only his. Ryan never enjoyed sharing what belonged to him. And why should he? Everyone else could find their own girl.

Who did Eric think he was?

Eric looked up from Kendall's bloodied hands to glare at Ryan. "She doesn't want to see you."

Kendall gazed at Ryan with soft eyes. It wasn't his fault. He couldn't have controlled what happened today. And Kendall was never the type to hold a grudge. Being angry had always been so exhausting for her.

In an instant, the tension in Ryan's body released. He could see that she wasn't mad. And for that he was grateful.

"It's okay Eric," Kendall said hoarsely. "I need to talk to Ryan."

She looked to her boss who gave an approving nod. "You can take the rest of the day off."

The two walked side by side on the sidewalk for a while, neither one wanting to break the silence that engulfed them. "I need you to clear up the rumor," Kendall finally said. "Then after that, we should probably steer clear of each other."

Ryan stopped abruptly. Out of all the things he expected Kendall to say, he hadn't expected the words that just escaped her lips. He nodded and continued walking. "I can do the first thing, but I don't think I could ever stay away from you."

Blood continued to drip from Kendall's hands onto the concrete. "At least let me bandage your hands," Ryan pleaded. Kendall said nothing but continued to walk in the direction of her apartment. Ryan quietly followed close behind her.

Once they're there, Ryan observed the apartment, taking mental notes on everything. "Nice place."

"You mean small place," Kendall corrected. "I got most of this stuff from the thrift store."

Kendall rinsed her hands off in the tiny kitchen and sat on the counter. She pulled out a first aid kit out from the cabinet above her. Ryan took the kit and stood between Kendall's legs as he soaked a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol. "This might sting a little."

Kendall sucked in air through her teeth when the cotton ball made contact with her hand. She watched as Ryan's thumb gently grazed over the faded scars on her wrist.

"Two years clean," she said with a faint smile.

Ryan returned her closed-lip smile and proceeded to wrap her cuts delicately with gauze. After both of her hands are wrapped, he puts the gauze back into the kit.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you're not attracted to me."

Kendall bit her lip and turned away from Ryan. He used his index finger to turn her head back to him. "If you want me to stay away from you, I'm going to need you to stop doing that with your lip."

Kendall suddenly pushed herself off the counter, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest. "You should go."

Ryan frowned, but sauntered to the door regardless. He tucked a rouge tendril of hair behind Kendall's ear. "Goodbye, Kendall."

Kendall closed the door behind her, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to cease the unstable beating of her heart.

Kendall closed the door behind her, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to cease the unstable beating of her heart

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