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The Real You

KENDALL AWOKE to the heavenly scent of pancakes. She squinted at the bright sunlight that poured through the window next to her. The scene would have been a lot more enjoyable if she didn't have a mind-splitting headache.

On the nightstand next to the bed was Fiji water and a bottle of Aleve. Both items sat on a note that read: "Take me." Next to that was a transparent bag with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Neatly folded at the end of the queen-sized bed was a plain white t-shirt with a pair of skinny jeans. On top of the clothing was a note which had the words "Wear me" written neatly on it. A pair of black flats had been placed at the foot of the bed.

Kendall vaguely remembered Ryan asking permission to take her to his place. She couldn't remember whether she said yes or no, but if she was here, she most likely agreed.

That doesn't sound like a very Kendall thing to do, but you were drunk. People do stupid things when they're drunk.

She dragged herself out from under the warm sheets and into the en suite with the clear bag in her hand.

Kendall came out with a white fluffy robe wrapped around her. She might as well take advantage of everything. She changed into the clothes that had been laid out for her. Before going downstairs, she pops two pills into her mouth, chasing them down with water after.

Ryan turned from the stove when he heard Kendall take a seat at the kitchen counter. He smiled. "Morning."

Slightly uncomfortable, Kendall drew invisible circles on the marble countertop. "Good morning. Uh, whatever you're cooking smells amazing, but I should probably get going."

"Why?" Ryan frowned, shoveling the scrambled eggs from the pan onto two plates.

Kendall was never a good liar. She had a tell that everyone always figured out.

She blinked. "I can't be late for work."

"Okay," Ryan said, placing the hot pan back onto the closed stove. "Now tell me the truth."

How the hell.

"That is the truth."

Ryan extended both of his arms out so that only his hands touch the counter. Kendall couldn't help but notice the way his veins showed more prominently when he did this.

"I know that the manager of your job is Seventh-day Adventist." Or at least he's supposed to be, Ryan thinks. "Therefore, Literature and Lattes is closed every Saturday."

"You got me," Kendall sighed. "It's just that . . . I don't really know you."

Ryan snorted. "I'm Ryan Hughes. Just Google me and you'll find my whole biography."

"That's how Hollywood sees you. They don't know the real you."

Ryan opened his mouth to argue but closed it, realizing that Kendall was right. People only knew him as an actor who stars in action movies. They didn't actually know him. They only knew what Hollywood showed to them. They only knew what they saw on a movie theater screen.

"When I met you, you didn't ask for my autograph or a picture. Why?"

"Celebrities are people too," Kendall responded calmly, pulling the plate of breakfast toward her. "They should be treated as such."

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