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The One

RYAN TAPPED on the Range Rover's steering wheel anxiously.

The PI said he would arrive at nine thirty. Why was he ten minutes late?

A short while later, the private investigator scurried to the passenger seat door with files in his hands. He got into the car and immediately began to defend himself. "My alarm didn't go off, and this place isn't exactly the easiest to f—"

"Show me what you have, Andrew," Ryan interrupted.

Andrew sighed and opened the file. "Kendall Morgan. Twenty-one. She was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia, then later attended GSU for two years on scholarship before dropping out. She moved here about a month ago."

"Any criminal records?"

"No. This girl's squeaky clean."

Ryan sat back in the driver's seat with a satisfied smirk. He was right about Kendall. She was the one.

He could already picture their future together. She'd achieve her dream of becoming a singer and he'd support her every step of the way.

He could picture waking up next to her in the morning, cooking for her, traveling with her. He could picture what their children would look like. They'd have two—no, three children. Two boys and one girl. And when they all grew up and moved away, he could see himself growing old with Kendall.

"Your payment will be deposited into your bank account by the end of the day," Ryan said, taking the folder of information from Andrew.

He nodded, then opened his respective door. "Have a good day, Mr. Hughes."

He was going to see Kendall today. His day wouldn't be good. It would be magnificent.

Ryan stepped out of the car and into the coffee shop. The inviting smell of dark roast greeted him as he walked in. The bell that was placed just above the door dinged, indicating that someone had entered. Kendall looked up from the coffee brewer to see Ryan smiling his charming smile at her. She grinned back automatically in response. "Look who's back for the best coffee in LA."

"How could I resist?" Ryan smirked. "It's just so good."

He wasn't only referring to the coffee and he knew it. How could any sane person stay away from a girl like Kendall? She was so beautiful, innocent, pure.

"Same as last time?"

"I feel like changing it up today." Ryan looked at the chalkboard menu behind Kendall. "How's the vanilla frap?"

"If unicorns were real, that's what they'd taste like," Kendall joked.

Ryan laughed. "Okay. Let's do that."

Kendell told Ryan the price and he paid it.

"You can take a seat or look at some of the books if you want. I'll bring it to you."

Ryan nodded and sauntered towards a shelf of books marked 'Romance'. He picked up 'Gone With the Wind' and studies the cover.

"That's one of my favorites," Kendall stated, handing Ryan his drink.


"Mhmm. I first read it and fell in love with it when I was thirteen."

"I've never read it," Ryan admitted.

Kendall swayed slightly. "You should. It's a great read." The sound of a bell echoed throughout the store. "I should go help whoever just came in."

Ryan nodded as Kendall walked off. He admired her figure. She wasn't so skinny to the point that bone was visible, but more like a healthy skinny. His eyes wander down to her ass. It was small, yet perfectly round. From what Ryan could tell, Kendall was at least a 36B.

He took one more look at the book in his hand before deciding to buy it. When he was completely out of the book isle, he noticed Kendall standing behind the register with an uncomfortable smile on her face. A man who appeared to be in his fifties draped an arm around her shoulders. He had this look in his eyes.

A look that Ryan knew all too well.

Fury bubbled up inside of him. It made him want to yell. He felt like breaking a chair over the man's back. But that would only frighten Kendall. And the last thing he wanted to do was scare her.

He forced himself to calm down.

Get your slimy hands off of her, you sleaze.

Kendall gently shrugged her manager's arm off, which made Ryan's jaw automatically unclench.

Good girl.

Ryan joined the small line and waited until he came face to face with the man who had so carelessly touched what belonged to him.

"You buying that book?"

"Yeah." Ryan slid the book across the counter to him. In his peripheral vision he watched Kendall slip off her apron and walk through a door with an 'employees only' sign.

After purchasing the text, Ryan quickly exited the store and got into his car. From what he had observed yesterday, Kendall would get off of work at seven.

It was only ten in the morning, but he could wait.

He had already waited twenty-two years to meet her. What was nine hours more?

"Do you have any plans tonight?" Eric asked Kendall as they cleaned the now empty shop.

"I'm a single twenty-one year old girl with no friends and I live by myself. My calendar is packed," she replied sarcastically.

"Right," Eric chuckled nervously. "Well, I have a buddy who's performing at a bar tonight. Supposedly it's karaoke night there." He paused. "I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go with me?"

Kendall thought for a minute. She was pretty sure that this was Eric's pathetic attempt at asking her on a date. But if she went she'd have an opportunity to perform. And Eric was pretty good looking. The only problem was that he was incredibly shallow.

"Okay," she finally responded.

Eric flashed her a cocky grin. "Cool. Put your address in my phone and I'll pick you up at nine."

Kendall typed the address of her apartment building into his notes and hands the phone back to him.

Hopefully she wouldn't regret it.

Once they finish cleaning, Eric locked the glass door. "See you soon," he shouted from across the street.

Kendall nodded before starting her walk home.

As Eric climbed into his Toyota, he failed to notice Ryan's furious glare that could practically set him on fire.

As Eric climbed into his Toyota, he failed to notice Ryan's furious glare that could practically set him on fire

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