Bonus: It's Finally Time...

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Apil 15, 2012, New Orleans

There is always that one day that someone just can't for. For teenagers, it may be the long-awaited concert by their favourite artist they would be going to with their friends or maybe finally graduating and no longer needing to be in high school.

And when the moment finally arrives there is this explosion in the person's brain... the good sort... the type that carries more possibilities than there could be conscious of. It was like the calling card of adventure, of paths awaiting.

So just like everyone else Natalia also had the day she was looking forward to, the special day that she dreamed about since she was a child.

And that day just happened to be the day she would finally get married.

When she was a child her views on marriage were much different obviously because she was only a child but that wasn't the only reason.

The main reason was her father.

The blonde at that point in her life wasn't sure if she would ever be allowed to get married. Her life was controlled by her father under such a big magnitude that her getting married without him accepting the boy just wasn't something that was possible. She always thought that her father would at some point find a 'worthy' enough man to carry the title of her husband, but her father was such a strict and cold man that she would probably be dead before he decided who would be good enough for her.

When she was a couple of years older, at the age of about either 12 or 13 she heard the maids talking in the garden about her.

Now she wasn't spying on the maids and trying to know everything that they were up to, that day it just happened to be very sunny and warm. Natalia had asked her father if she could do her study in the manor's gardens instead of her study room and much to her surprise he allowed it.

The spot that the blonde decided to study at that time just happened to be near the place where the maids would do the laundry.

So as the young girl sat on the bench reading her book quietly she just naturally heard the older women's cheery voices as they spoke among each other. And as she was listening to what they were talking about one sentence that left a woman's mouth made Natalia lose her focus on the book.

The maids have just entered the topic of the younger girl, of course, they didn't have any bad things to say about the child. She was always very polite and respectful towards everyone around her shocking some new workers because of how her father would act towards them. So at the beginning when they spoke about her Natalia paid them bare to none attention but when they went on the topic of her future Natalia couldn't help but listen intensely to each word they said.

But what really shook the child back then was when one maid said 'She will not be able to live like this anymore when she grows older, the little girl will most likely run away with some fine gentleman she will meet at one of the balls.'

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