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Natalia watched from a branch on a tree as Jasper threw Emmett into the air again. The muscular boy just never knew when to give up. Natalia shook her head as she saw him stand back up with his black eyes showing determination. She couldn't help but play with the ends of her braided hair as she watched them, Rosalie had insisted on the girl braiding her hair so it wouldn't go into her face as she trained. Natalia wasn't too keen on the idea but agreed in the end.

"Again!" The blonde leans her head against the tree sighing at the fact Emmett never gives up when it comes to fighting.

"I think you should calm down Emmett, we wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Emmett looks back up at the blonde with a smirk on his face.

"Never." The girl only rolled her eyes and let her legs dangle over the branches. The sound of Edward and Bella arriving in a car made Natalia look away from her brothers. The blonde looked down at her family while holding tightly onto the branch. The girl was slightly worried about going down now, she knew that if Edward and Bella had arrived it was only minutes before the wolves would come.

Natalia lets out a breath and jumps down landing in the middle of the group scaring Bella slightly. While standing back up Natalia sent the human girl a smile.

"Sorry." Bella nodded smiling back. Natalia went over to stand by Esme with her hand neatly in from of her. And as if she called them the Wolfs arrived on the hill that separated the woods. The blonde's eyes widened as she saw the black alpha.

She could feel someone grabbing her hand, she looked down to see Esme's hand holding her for reassurance. Natalia looked up into Esme's eyes to see her smiling at her in a motherly fashion.

As Natalia's eyes travelled through the wolves her worries faded away, she didn't know why but a feeling of safety washed over her like she didn't have to worry because they wouldn't hurt her. Even though a couple of angry growls could be heard from different wolves.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward said to Carlisle causing him to look away from the wolves and back at his adoptive son.

"They came. That's what matters. Will you translate?" Carlisle and Edward moved to the front as a brown wolf walked closer to the black alpha. Natalia right away recognized the wolf as Jacob, and Bella saying 'Hey Jake' only proved her right.

"Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle tried to sound as welcoming as possible to the sound of growls coming from some of them didn't exactly help. Natalia couldn't help but feel like some of them were directed at her.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Said Edward for the wolves.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." Carlise nodded over at Jasper signaling for him to take over as Jasper walked to the front.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands, like a human army. But no human army could stand against them. Now the two most important this to remember are, first never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that...and you will lose. Emmett."

The two vampires go behind the Cullen's and stand in front of each other with wide grins preparing for the fight. Jasper sends his brother a teasing smile.

"Don't hold back." As Jasper said that a wide smirk grew on Emmett's mouth.

"Not in my nature." Natalia shakes her head with a smile on her face as she watches her brothers.

Emmett starts to run in Jasper's direction as he stands with his arms out open ready for the impact. When Emmett gets to Jasper he grabs him in the waist and keeps running forward causing Jasper to leave marks on the ground from his feet. Emmett throws Jasper in the air causing him to flip in the air and land on his feet. When he lands back on his feet the two vampires run in at each other again. Emmett starts throwing punches but Jasper manages to dodge each one and later throws Emmett onto his back.

"Never lose focus." Said Jasper as he walked off. Edward looks down at the blonde and gently nudges her and when she looks up at him he motions forward making a smile appear on her face. The two stepped forward in front of each other and Natalia smiled sweetly at her brother excited.

The two charge at each other at the same time, Edward jumps into the air at his sister but Natalia dodges it by slipping on the ground. When the two vampires stand up and look back at each other they start to run at each other again. When they finally get to each other they both have a strong grip making them stuck in this position. Jasper watches their every move with a calculated stare. Natalia winks at her brother and throws him back and when they're no longer holding each other Edward starts to throw punches in her direction as she dodges. Natalia isn't able to miss one of Edward's moves causing him to throw her on the ground. Natalia looks up at her brother from the ground with a smile as he looks at Jasper who walks up to them.

"One more thing." Natalia quickly and swiftly gets back on her knees and slams Edward onto the ground with a proud smile.

"I win!" Edward laughs as Jasper rolls his eyes.

"Never turn your back on your enemy." Natalia stood up and held out her hand towards Edward for him to stand up. As he stood up he ruffled her hair causing Natalia to laugh as he walked over towards the rest of Cullens.

When the two walked back to the family Rosalie and Jasper stood in front of each other ready to fight. Rosalie stood a hand reach away from Jasper and when he nodded she started to throw punches at him but he dodged everyone. He sent a couple of punches in Rosalie's direction but the blonde jumped into the air doing some flips before landing in a squatting position on the ground. Jasper nodded at her making her stand up with a smirk and walk over toward Natalia proudly making the shorter blonde roll her eyes.

When Rosalie walked away Alice took her place in front of Jasper with a flirty smile. Jasper nodded at his wife causing her to show him a small one in return. Jasper was the first to throw a punch which Alice easily dodged. He looked in her direction with a proud smirk before throwing a right hook in her direction which she again easily dodged backward. He went in her direction only to have the girl make a cartwheel away from him. He started to throw punches in her direction again which Alice again dodged but in the end, Jasper was able to grab her with two hands and keep her in place. He put his hand under her chin and was leaning in to kiss her and as his lips were about to touch hers she got out of his hold and disappeared from his sites into a tree. Jasper started to look around him for any sight of Alice only to have her drop from the branches and onto his back. She pecked him on the lips and jumped off.

Natalia smiled lovingly and looked over at Bella to see that Jacob was beside her. Natalia walked forward towards Bella with Edward. Jacob looked over at Edward and Natalia with two different glances, he looked over at Edward with a distasted look while he looked at the blonde vampire with a newfound respect which slightly confused her. Edward looked between the two girls and the wolf with a cold look.

-"We're done for the day." Said Edward as he put his arms around the two girls taking them away. But as Natalia was being guided away she looked back at the departing wolves to see two of them looking in her direction. One of them being Jacob and one of them being one she didn't recognize.

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