Bonus: The Soldier

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1940, New York Brooklyn Hospital

Natalia and Carlisle both didn't think that the next place they would live in would be the house they once owned in New York. Of course, it was different now, by now Esme, Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett were living with them. But the biggest factor was the war.

When the second world war hit they both knew they had to move back to New York to help out in the hospital.

When they first arrived in New York Natalia was shocked with what she saw, the streets that once thronged with life stood empty. Gone were the food vendors and the women in their bright clothes selling handmade goods from carts and baskets. Gone were the children who played amongst the crowds with their games and laughter. Gone were the stores with their windows of fine clothing or delicacies. Now even at midday, all that you would find would be the dusty street with only the wind for company. There were cracked sidewalks, empty gun shells, and broken storefronts laid waste by desperate looters. Once in a while, there was the occasional harried person, moving quickly with tense purpose, no one left their house unless it was absolutely necessary and the children were almost never seen.

People were scared.

They, of course, had every right to be.

Natalia wanted so desperately to make the war end, it pained her to watch the world that she loved so dearly be demolished by people who tried to place their own selfish values on the world.

And the future is something we can change and it is as simple as choosing a new path outside of the system created by psychopathy. In what system would the ninety-nine per cent truly thrive? Perhaps one based on Love, generosity, and kindness - the things that really make us happy and fulfilled?

Natalia's focus was brought back when she heard a knock on the door causing her to turn her focus away from the papers she was holding to see one of the nurses she was quite friendly with. Her name was Olivia and she was a sweet girl, with chocolate locks and sky-blue eyes. She was standing at the door wearing a smirk on her face as something exciting had just happened.

"They are here again." When Olivia said that Natalia knew exactly who she meant and it caused the blonde to laugh while shaking her head.

"I'll be there in just a second, the same room as always right?" At the question from Natalia, Olivia winked in the girl's direction with her smirk still framing her red lips.

"You know it." Was Olivia's answer before she turned around and all Natalia could hear was her laughter growing quieter as she moved down the hall.

Sighing while still wearing the smile Natalia took all the papers she was holding and placed them off to the side so she could come back to them later before walking out of the room and down to her next patient and his friend who she knew very well by now.

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