The New Girl

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2005, Forks Washington

I have been sitting on this tree branch for some time now, I don't know how long but it was for sure some time. Every morning I would come up here an hour before the sun would rise and just look out from the treetops. I always loved early mornings when it felt like the rest of the world was still fast asleep and we were the only ones that were awake and everything felt like it wasn't really real and I kind of forget about all of my problems because for now, it's just me, the world and the sunrise.

I look down from the trees when I hear Alice's cheery voice calling my name. I jump down gently and land in front of her scaring her a bit. I was always known to be the quietest when it came to hunting or running. Alice crosses her arms over her chest and looks me up and down amused.

"Darling, how long have you been staying here? It's time to leave and go to school." I smile sighing and follow Alice into the house to get our stuff and leave for school.

"Not long, but do we really need to go in today Ali? I don't really feel like going through all of it today." Alice puts her hands on her hips as we arrive at the house.

"Of course you do! Don't you remember? Today is the day the new girl is coming! The same girl that I had visions about." I sighed throwing my bag over my shoulder while following Alice. I know all about the new girl, Alice said her name was Isabella Swan and that she's going to influence our life in some way. Now I don't normally judge people before getting to know them because it's rude but I have a bad feeling in my stomach. I'm very protective when it comes to my family and I don't trust people too easily, so Alice's vision about this girl just seems suspicious.

"I remember Alice, you wouldn't stop talking about her since you got the vision." She laughs as we enter the garage.

"That's because I'm excited!" I chuckle as we part ways and she goes into a car with Jasper while I get into the car Edward was already in. I look over at him to see him in a broody attitude. I raise an eyebrow at him as we start to leave the property.

"So what do you think about the girl from Alice's vision?" Edward shrugs leaning back in his seat.

"What is there to think about, she's just some new girl. Just another set of eyes that are going to follow our every move." I sigh while looking over his face. I have known Edward for 87 years and by now I know when he's lying to me or when he is in a bad mood.

"Edward, you're my brother and I love you. I have known you for the past 87 years and I know when you're lying to me. So tell me, what is it?" Edward cracks a smile and sends me a quick glance.

"It's just, I just have a bad feeling." As Edward pulls into the school parking lot and parks beside our other sibling's cars I put my hand on his arm in a comforting manner.

"Whatever is about to happen I'm going to stand beside you through it all." Edward puts on his sunglasses and grins.

"I know Angel." I laughed shaking my head as we got out of the car. We have been living in Forks for the last two years but every time someone sees me or anyone else from my family they stare at us like we're a grand attraction. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel Edwards's arm around my shoulders as he leads me into the school with the rest of our siblings. I look over at him smiling. I often zone out in nearly every situation, my mind has a funny way of just going into a world of its own.

Edward leads me in the direction of my history class and leaves me when I walk in. This was just something he would always do, he would always bring me to nearly every class I had or to lunch. I know he's my brother and I love him but sometimes he can take it too much. But after what happened with my last romantic experience I'm not shocked he's acting this way, Jasper, Emmet, and Carlisle have also been more protective of me since that accident but I don't need it. 

I know I can take care of myself.

I sit down at the back of the room alone when the teacher walks in. History is the class that I mostly zone out in. But what else am I supposed to do? I know everything the teacher is saying and even more. All he knows about the past is from the books while I know it from experience. I could probably teach the teacher something.

I turn my face back to the front of the room when I hear the door open and I smell a sickeningly sweet smell that makes me close my eyes for a split second. I look at the source of the smell to see a pale-looking girl with brown hair. I squint my eyes. Is this her? This is the girl Alice was so excited about?

"Ah, Miss Swan! Would you like to introduce yourself?" Isabella looks around awkwardly clearly not comfortable with this whole situation that the teacher had put her in.

"Uh, I would rather not." Mrs Robinson nods understanding that Isabella isn't comfortable before looking around the room when her eyes fall on me. There is a reason why I don't sit beside anyone and now that she came she will only get to sit here because of it being the only free spot.

"Alright, then why don't you sit down beside Miss Cullen." She points in the direction of my seat and Isabella comes to sit beside me. The moment she sat beside me the sickeningly sweet smell got stronger causing me to hold my breath and look anywhere but at her. I'm slightly shocked by the way I'm affected by the girl. A human never had this effect on me before, I just hope Jasper will be okay if he ever meets her.

Isabella looks at me slightly confused. I keep my eyes in front of the class. I'm not really sure a conversation with her right now is a good idea. 

The moment the class ended I got my stuff and left with a single sweet smile in her direction. I don't have anything against the girl but there is no point in us becoming friends. It has always been this way, we move into a new town and we don't really make friends with anyone so we don't get our family into any unwanted danger. 

It has been this way for years, it's the safest way.

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