62 | away from me

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

We're already two and
half months in the term, but it
feels longer.

If you think I wasn't stress
enough before, just wait until
you see bags under my eyes,
they are even worse then Remus'.

Good thing James is the Head Boy, because Lily doesn't really let me
stay that late in the common room.

I have been writing like a maniac for all of my classes, and to be sincere,
at this point I'm just so tired that if
I don't get a good grade, I'll let it pass.

(Don't tell that to Remus because
he will stop giving me chocolate,
we have a pact, you see, and it's that
we have to get good grades and after we finish school, we retrieved all the work and burn it while drinking butterbear)

We came to that agreement after
crying in the library a year ago.
I'm pretty sure he didn't tell you but we bonded over it. You should try it sometimes, cry over something
and have someone understand.

I'm sorry I don't write as often as
I used to, but I have responsibilities,
you know that. Besides, we talk a
lot in our connected journals.

I don't want to stop writing you here because this is more private.
In here, I get to express what
I can't say out loud.

Writing you here gives me peace.
This is where I can write
about anything. What I'm feeling,
what I think, about you and our friends.

I'll probably stop when
I finish all the pages, but also I'll probably keep writing else where.

But one thing is for sure,
I will not stop thinking or writing
about you. Not even the bloody
exams and stress can take that
away from me.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you tomorrow.



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