14 | just hold on

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

I hope you're doing better.

I can't help but notice you get
sad for a moment when the mail comes. Don't think I don't notice your
face when other students get something from their parents.

You assure me that everything
is alright and that it doesn't
affect you, but I know this does,
at some degree.

You don't deserve to belong in such
a hateful family when you're one of the best people I have ever met.

I hope that the day you'll get a family
of your own makes the pain go away. You deserve love and happiness,
even if you don't admit it.

In the mean time, I'll be there for you.
I can take care of you when you need it. I will love you with all my heart,
even if it's from afar.

One day, Sirius, I hope you look at someone with so much love, you will feel like nothing in the past matters.

If you ever read this, Sirius, I want you to know that my intentions are good.
I don't write this to be a reminder of what you don't have. I write this to be a reminder of what you will have.

Just hold on.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you tomorrow.



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