A Letter

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I know it's been a while since we spoke. But you know me. I've never been able to say what I want to say very easily. I thought writing this would be easier.

I miss you. A lot.

Life's kind of the same here. At work and at home. Yet, somehow it isn't. Ever since you left, it's like you took a piece of my world with you. Now, no matter where I go, my world is incomplete.

I was thinking of the time we first met. It plays like a film in my head. You know me. I never believed in things like 'love at first sight.' But I don't know what it was about you. The minute you walked into my line of vision, it's like a lock turned in my head and I knew for the first time, what it felt like to be in unabashed, techni-colour love. You were responsible for that, I guess. You always did love with all your heart. I still remember how I was filling water in a bottle at the coffee station and how you walked in, took a cup, smiled and said, "Hi!" T, your smile made my stomach flip. It still does when I think about it. I'm sorry I never told you about it. I guess I was too shy.

You must be wondering why I'm writing to you all of a sudden. I've known you and your dream of writing since we've known each other. But I'd never seen you in action. You kept your dream under a ceiling. As though it was merely a hobby from your past. Then today, while I was surfing Twitter, I came across an article that spoke of your play. I had promised myself that I wouldn't think of you or look you up. That dam broke with the mention of your name. I clicked on the article and saw a glimpse of what you have accomplished already. I read more and more until I couldn't read anymore. I felt so happy to know that you are on a path that you love so much. But there was a part of me that was sad. I know it's unfair but I must say this. T, it breaks my heart to know that there's this whole new universe that you've created for yourself and I'm not a part of it. I guess I've known it for a while. It just struck me when I saw your name again.

I know what happened. But I want you to know this. I never stopped loving you. I don't think it's possible for anyone who has ever known you to ever completely stop. I want another chance. If you're willing to give me one.

I bought a ticket to your play. I will finally get to see the magic of the theatre with you on the stage. I can't wait. I'm also sorry for not having kept in touch and suddenly springing this on you. But I also know that if I don't tell you this now, I'll regret it one day.

Whatever your decision may be, know this. I am glad you have found your calling. And I am happy in your happiness.



Author's Note: A break from the letters to Pat for another letter. There are question, I'm sure. Questions that will be answered in due course.

In other news, life's been more hectic than before. And it is about to stay that way. But I'm hoping new experiences are also part of the deal. :)

I hope you liked the chapter and are awaiting the next one. I wait to hear from you all. :)


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