Letter 10

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Dear Pat,

It's Saturday!!!

You'd think this would be a great day. I thought it was for sure. I stepped out again. I was like Konkona Sen Sharma from Wake Up Sid. I even had the song running in my mind as background score. It was so cool! I took the local and the bus and the auto and walked from morning to evening. I loved every moment of it. Oh Pat, the things I saw and the feelings I felt. I know what you meant by magic, Pat. I really do. This city has magic infused in the air. <3

And you know the sweetest thing? Dada packed lunch for me. Chapati and vegetables. Which vegetable you ask? You must hear it from Dada himself. He said, "Arre madam, now only bazaar se I've brought ekdum fresh bhindi! I'll make bhindi fry. You'll love it pakka."

I had tears in my eyes. Well, almost. You know how much I love bhindi fry and the number of times I have made you prepare it for me!

The day honestly couldn't get any better! And then...something I didn't even envision happened. When I walked into a mall and tried to buy something, I checked my backpack and my wallet and phone were gone!!! I have never felt that panicked in my life, Pat. No wallet and no phone in a foreign city. In this age of technology, I realized how dependent we have all become on our phones.

Now, I had only memorized two numbers in my whole lifetime. Yours and Ma's. I knew how stressed out the two of you would get. So, I decided against it. After a moment of contemplation, I opened my backpack and rummaged once more, just incase they were there and I had missed them. No such luck though. Instead, I found the card of the guesthouse I was staying in. I pulled it out in the hope that I would find Dada's number. However, there was only a landline number. Dada, I then remembered had loaded his number in my phone. This card was given to me at the office in Chennai. But it was the only hope I had. So, I walked into a McDonalds and asked the guy at the counter if I could use his phone for a moment. He was kind enough to lend me his phone, Pat. I dialled the number and hoped against hope that Dada would pick up. It was after all a little late in the day.

The dial tone then clicked and I heard a deep voice go, "Hello?"

I blinked and my heart began to race a little when I guessed who it was. I felt so sheepish when I realized that I had to tell him my predicament. But I had no other choice now, did I? I hesitantly asked, "Uh...Tanmay?"

He replied, "Yeah. Who's this?"

I took a deep breath, looked heavenward and closed my eyes to say, "Um...It's Lakshmi...you um...flatmate?"

His tone brightened at that and he said, "Hey there! What's up? Why are you calling on the landline?"

I covered my eyes with my hand almost as if he could see me and said, "I...um...I'm in a bit of a situation and this is the only number I have...uh...access to."

He asked with concern, "Are you okay? What happened?"

I replied hurriedly, "Oh yeah, I'm totally fine. I just...um...lost my wallet..."

He interjected, "What??"

I then completed my sentence and said, "And my phone."

He asked instantly, "Oh God! How did this happen?"

I shook my head, raised my hand in surrender and said, "Beats me dude. I either dropped them or someone flicked them from my bag. Now, I'm stuck in this mall with nothing but a dabba of bhindi for company."

He burst out laughing at that. I smiled reluctantly at that. He had such a nice laugh. He then apologized, "I'm so sorry. I know this is not funny. It's just the picture of you sitting with bhindi painted a very vivid picture in my head. Anyway...what mall is this?"

I looked up at the sign and read, "Phoenix. Why?"

He said, "Okay cool. I'll come get you."

My eyes widened at that as I said, "Oh my God! That's so not necessary. I'm so sorry to put you through this. But you coming all the way here is so unnecessary."

I could hear him smiling as he said, "Lakshmi...relax. It's not a big deal. I could use an outing. I've been at home the whole day for a change."

I said, "No but still! Like you could send a cab or something. I feel so bad for that also. I'll totally pay you back once I get a new card and all."

He laughed and replied, "Hey, hey. Come on. It's really not a big deal. It's a big city and you're new here. And you'd do the same for me. Now hang up so that I can come get you."

I rub the back of my neck and sigh to say, "Okay...if you're sure. And thanks so much! You're so sweet!"

He said, "Don't worry about it."

I then was just about to hang up when I remembered something. I hurriedly called out his name on the phone, "Tanmay!"

He asked, "What, what is it?"

I sheepishly replied, "Uh...could I get your phone number? You know...so I can co-ordinate just in case?"

"Oh God, where's my head? Of course! Write it down. It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Okay? I'll see you in like half an hour. And call me if you need anythi

Author's Note: :D

I know. I don't have much to say about this chapter because the story has to continue from here. Lakshmi hasn't finished her letter yet but the ink in her pen is out and she doesn't have the money to buy another one. That's why no sign off. She asked me to let you know. :P I am hoping I'll get the next chapter out sooner than usual. I'll honestly try. Anyway, do let me know your thoughts on this one as always.

In other news, I am now thinking of publishing some poetry here. Is it something you guys would like to read? It's all kinds of topics and some of it is old. I used to write poetry ages back but I still enjoy reading them from time to time. Lemme know, eh?



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