Letter 15

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Dear Pat,

Today was just like any other. Work going on as per usual. Lunch hour as per usual. I was sitting with Meghana and chatting with her when my phone buzzed.

I picked it up and clicked on the unread text. It's been a while since I received a regular text.

It said, "Hey."

It was from Tanmay!

I got a huge dorky grin on my face. Meghana caught it and said, "Well, I know that smile as well. Wait is that Tanmay?"

I don't know how she knows all these things, Pat. I just looked up at her and smiled to nod. She looked at my face and asked, "So how are things going there?"

I raised a nail to bite it and said, "Well..."

She laughed and said, "Oh man...what did you do?"

I told her the events from the day before. Her eyes progressively got wider as she heard the story. She finally said, "Oh my God! You kissed him!"

I nodded with a half-smile on my face.

She then said, "And he kissed you too!"

I nodded with a chuckle and said, "Yeah dude."

She shook her head disbelievingly to say, "Oh man...You told him how you felt!"

I chewed my lip to say, "No, I didn't actually tell him how I felt. I just...went for it. The moment felt like it."

She shook her head to say, "Yeah but you don't kiss people you're not into. So he knows how you feel."

I nodded and said, "Accha, that way. Yeah. Yeah, I guess he does."

She then said, "And you know he likes you back. Man...I feel like I'm in the middle of a romance novel. Lately, that's the only place where I've seen something cute like this happening."

She then raised her hand and held my arm to say, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Like I didn't mean to rain on your parade or anything. Ugh, I'm so sorry."

I laughed and said, "Relax. I didn't even think like that."

She wiped her brow of imaginary sweat and said, "Phew! Okay, so wait. What did he text?"

I remembered his text suddenly and went, "Oh! Oh yeah. He said hey."

So she rolled her eyes and said, "Say hey back!"

I texted him back.

Me: Hey back. :)

Me: This is new.

Tanmay: Lol, yeah...I realized I haven't texted you.

Tanmay: It felt like it was time.

Tanmay: I hope I'm not disturbing.

Me: No, it's lunch hour. How's it going?

Tanmay: Good. Have to resume practice in 10.

Me: Oh yay!

Tanmay: So...

Me: Yeah...

Tanmay: I wanted to ask if you'd like to have dinner today.

Me: Yes!

Tanmay: I realize now that I forgot to mention with me.

Me: Haha, I got that. I'd love to.

Tanmay: Okay! It's a date.

Me: Can't wait. :)

I'll update this letter soon, Pat! I know you can't wait to find out more. :D

All my love,


P.S. I can't believe I have only a week left before I find out where I'm gonna be!!!

Author's Note: How's it going guys? How's February treating you all? It's been an eventful year so far and I want to see where this new year takes me.

I know this chapter isn't too heavy on deets. But the next chapter will bring more. Let me know what you think.

In other news, I'm reading a new book by Amitabha Bagchi. It's quite different from I have read so far. So I'm enjoying it. What is everyone else reading?

More later,


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