Letter 3

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Dear Pat,

How are you doing? It's day 3 and I woke especially early merely to recount the happenings of last night. Just so you know, the electricity is still not back. It is a fuse that refuses to get fixed. I am hoping by the time I come back it shall get fixed. Cold water showers are the devil's invention which is what I will have to have right after I finish writing this letter. It reminds me of the time you had to physically pick me up and set me inside the bathroom that one time I refused to go because of the power outage. LOL! Good times, Patty. Good times. I can hear you chuckling in my head at this. It sounds as musical as the real deal just in case you were wondering.

Anyhoo...onto other things. You're probably mad at me for ending on such an abrupt note in the last letter. Actually, I'm not sure because I have no idea when these letters reach you. Also, the postal system might deliver this letter before the last one. I have no idea. Yeah, yeah I know. I should stop dawdling and get on with the story. :P

So where was I? Oh yeah...So um I was really hungry and this guy just hands over the Maggi that he had made for himself to me, a complete stranger, merely because I looked hungry. I wonder how hungry I must have looked...or sounded because, hehe...no power. :P

I felt quite odd. I looked down at the plate and then at him and went, "Oh! This is really sweet. I'll make my own though."

He smiled and said, "It's Maggi. And you're hungry. Go ahead."

I looked at the piping hot Maggi and felt so guilty for taking this long pause. I eventually gulped and said in a really small voice, "No really. You made this for yourself. You must be hungry as well and you're giving it up for a stranger."

He shook his head and replied, "I hear it takes 2 minutes to make these. Relax. Now take it while I make some more. No fun standing in the kitchen all night in the dark."

I was so grateful that I just took the plate and hungrily took a bite. I think I saw him smile a half smile.

By the time he made another batch, I silently wolfed down my share. He then quietly slid a packet of cookies my way. Pat, they were Milano. Can you please take a moment to acknowledge that at that very moment, I was standing in a candle-lit kitchen with a stranger albeit cute one who had Maggi for me and was now giving me my favourite chocolate chip cookies as well? Did you by any chance orchestrate this!? You are quite capable of doing so. Although, I am sure you haven't. Please call me and remind me to not waste ink on these random ramblings and instead focus on the story at hand. Moving on...

I quickly took one from the packet and said, "God, you're a lifesaver. These are my favourite!" He gave another grin, still not looking at me and said, "Who doesn't like Milano?"

I pondered over the question and then shrugged and replied, "Lakshmi."

At this, he asked, "Who's that?"

"Me," I said.

He frowned and looked at me to say, "You don't like Milano?"

I laughed and said, "Good Lord, no! I changed the topic and forgot to inform you. My name is Lakshmi. I realized that I hadn't introduced myself."

He emptied the Maggi onto a plate and nodded to say, "Ah!" He picked up his plate and looked at me. He smiled at me and said, "Hi Lakshmi! Um, I was going to watch something on my laptop. You want to join?"

I smiled right back and said, "Sure. What did you have in mind?"

He strode out of the room and sat on the laptop to open the lid. He set the plate aside on the sofa and headed to Netflix. He then looked at me as I walked over to sit beside him. He said, "Actually, I just finished a series. So I am open to suggestions myself."

I smiled and asked, "Have you ever watched Gilmore Girls?"

He smiled widely at that and responded, "No but I'd love to. I have heard so much about it. My sister is a huge fan and has been berating me to watch it for a while now. Let's see....Gilmore...Girls...Ah, we're in luck. It's on Netflix. Shall we?"

More later!

All my love,


Author's Note: I must say I am rather proud of myself for having updated two chapters in two days. I didn't think I could do it. :P Anyhoo, let me know what you guys think in the comment section. You guys are amazing! <3


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