Fortyeight. 💀

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E L L I O T T C O L E 

I had been transported via a lorry to a new location, I hadn't even been taken out of the stupid box. I still didn't know who was taking me, now I was in a house, a large house. The moving guys had freed me from the box but left me alone in a locked room. 

The room was a living room type room, a couple of sofas, a large telly and a coffee table filled the room. On the walls were a few shelves with a few personal possessions but nothing that would indicate who it was who had me here. I looked out the large patio doors to see a large garden, trying the handle I found it was locked, not that I was surprised. 

I turned and looked over at the door as it opened, my eyes widened as I saw a man enter the room. He was young, mid-twenties, brown hair, nothing about him that was distinctive, nothing about him that stood out to me. "Hello, Elliott." His voice was deep, the smile on his face a little creepy considering the situation. I looked over his clothes, he was wearing a pair of black slacks paired with a shirt, his feet covered with smart shoes, his short brown hair gelled back. 

"Who are you?" I asked as I leaned against the patio doors, the cold glass touching my bare skin on my legs and arms. 

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Well, when I was told you were sheltered I didn't believe it, I thought they were joking." He chuckled, "I am the man who you are going to be spending the rest of your life with."

"Well," I narrowed my eyes at him as I spoke. "What would you like me to call you then?"

I watched him as he pondered for a moment, "I think Sir will do for now."

Rolling my eyes at him I shook my head, "You might think you own me-"

He launched himself towards me, his right-hand wrapping around my throat and his left hand leaning against the glass next to my head. "You're right, I do own you. Whilst you're here, you are going to do exactly as you are told. I say jump and you say how high. I tell you to beg, you get on your knees and act like the little bitch you are." His right hand tightened around my throat, "Do you understand?"

I nodded quickly as I reached for his right hand that was on my throat, my mind clouding with the memories of what happened in my father's basement. I never wanted to feel that sensation ever again and this time if I died here there would be no one to save me, no Harry. 

His hand realised me as I gasped for air, my hands touching my neck as I tried to steady my breathing. 

"Don't forget, I know everything you hate, I can make your time with me very unpleasant. If I was you I would be a good girl and do as you are told from now on."

My eyes met his eyes, I nodded as I let my hands drop to my sides. I knew I needed to stay alive, I didn't know how long it would be before I saw my family again, before I saw Harry again but in order for me to see him or anyone I loved again then I needed to stay alive. 

He smiled as he put his hands in front of him, "Well, since you are going to be staying let's get you to your room."

I watched him as he opened the door and left the room, I followed him as he headed through the house and to the staircase that was long and winding. Everywhere there was security watching us, they seemed to be every ten steps if I was planning to do something to him whilst he had his back to me then I would probably die instantly or be hurt before I could even touch him. 

He led me to the third room on the left on the second floor, he pushed the door open and held it for me to go in first. I stepped into the bedroom and looked around the room, I was surprised at how homely the room was. 

There was a large bed leaned against the middle of the back wall, the bedding a light pink colour, the furniture all white including a wardrobe, chest of drawers and a dressing table. "This is going to be your home from now on," he told me as he entered the room before opening the top drawer and pulling out a black velvet box. He held it in front of me before he opened it and revealed a choker like necklace, he took it from the box, discarding of the box on the bed before he stepped forward, I froze in place before he clipped it around my neck. 

"This is yours," he ran his forefinger from his left hand over it before he pulled a small black box from his pants pocket with his right hand before he stepped back a little. "You cannot remove it, only I can remove it." He showed me the box in his hand that was revealed to be a small controller. "Test my patience and I will have four choices on this."

My eyes looked over at it, I didn't know what the buttons meant as they only had numbers on them. I wasn't sure I even wanted to know. 

"Button number one," he told me as he smirked, "Just sends a little shock through your body, just for a few seconds." He hovered his finger over the button, "But trust me, it's powerful enough to keep you in check." He looked at my horrified face as he moved his finger to hover over button 2, "This one, well, this one will tighten it just enough to scare you." He laughed, "And button three, that will send a must longer, more powerful shock through you. It will last a good ten seconds, leaving you incapacitated for the following hour, we wouldn't want that would we?"

I shook my head as I looked up at him, I didn't like the sound of any of those options right now. 

"And the fourth option," he smirked. "Well, you don't want that one. It will just straight up strangle you, stop your breathing, it will kill you." He put the remote in his pocket, "Oh one more thing." He reached forward and touched my face, his fingers running over my stitches on my cheek. "If you try to remove it, it will tighten, the more you tamper with it the more it will tighten." He smiled at me, "So if I was you I would be a good little girl."

My eyes widened as I realised he was serious, he had me trapped and there was nothing I could do unless I wanted to be hurt or die. How did I end up in this stupid situation? 

I hoped that any second Harry would bust through the door with my father in tow, they would save me from this hell but considering I didn't even know where I was, I doubted they did. Even if I knew where I was I didn't know who I was with, I didn't know anything about this man in front of me, only that he was a psycho. This was nothing like that times I had felt threatened before, this time the danger was very real with the choker already around my neck, this time I was in real trouble and there was no way out of it. 

"Oh, Elliott," he said as I touched the velvet choker that was now wrapped around my neck, I looked up at him, my blues eyes meeting his brown eyes. His face was slim and his facial hair was neatly trimmed to just look casual, everything about him looked almost boy next door but persona certainly wasn't. "If I was you, I'd start getting used to being here. This is now your home."

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