Thirtynine. 🎭

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The darkness was something I had never been afraid of but when you are alone in a small room that only had enough room for you to stretch your legs in and no light what so ever things start to change. On arrival to this hell hole, a sack was placed over my head, my hands tied behind my bag before I was dragged pretty harshly to where I was now. The bag had been removed and I briefly saw the light before the door was slammed and I was left alone in this tiny cold room. 

Closing my eyes helped me to block out the real darkness, it didn't help me when it came to knowing how much time had passed. None of this mattered though, the darkness, the time, none of it was anything considering the pain that flowed through my broken body. 

If I hadn't have had surgery just over twenty-four hours ago I might have been yelling and pleading to be let out, I would be trying to kick the door down with all my might. Right now though, I could barely move from all the pulling around I had endured. Sitting here and trying to ignore the pain was the best thing I could do, the only thing I could do. 

I tried to make myself think of happier things, I wanted to think about the good times I had been through in my life instead my brain had other ideas. All I could think about was what my dad would do when he found out? How would he cope with losing me, especially since he thought Thomas was already dead. Where was Thomas? Would he know if I died here? Would he feel it? And Harry, what would he do when he found me gone? Not only was I gone but everyone in that hospital and the hospital grounds had been murdered, he would know exactly who had taken me.  

There was ringing in my ears, it must have been the silence that was affecting me in such a way. I would have given anything to see the door open and Harry standing there waiting for me. I wanted to see him, I wanted to ask him how he really felt about me. I needed to know. Now I would never know, now I was here and I was alone with no one, no one to help me, no one to save me now. 


I don't know how much time actually passed before the door was wrenched open, I looked up before looking away again without seeing who was at the door, the light was too bright from my eyes which had become used to the darkness. When I turned back I was confronted with the smirking face of Zayn as he held the door open and looked down at me as I sat leaning against the wall with my legs outstretched in front of me touching the opposite wall. 

"Let's go, Cole!" 

Awkwardly I managed to get to my feet and looked at him, my hands were still tied behind my back not giving me much to room to help myself. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him as I slowly walked out of the room into the corridor of the building I was in. 

Zayn didn't speak but he did stand behind me and grab hold of the rope that bound my hands together before he shoved me forward to get me walking. I obeyed and took some small steps forward as I looked around trying to work out where I was. 

I hated to say everything looked so familiar, the hall I was walking in, I had been here before. 

"Where are we?" I asked scared as I tried to turn and look at Zayn. 

He let out a small laugh, "Don't you recognise it?" He asked playfully before he continued to push me forward until we walked the length of the dirty corridor, the walls disgusting as we passed many different closed doors. 

When we got to the stairs he let me go giving me a chance to make it up the stairs alone before I got to the top and then it hit me like a slap in the face. I didn't move as I felt my stomach churn before my hands were grabbed again by Zayn. He stood extra close to me, his body against mine as he held my hands tightly, his other hand moving my hair to the side before he nuzzled my neck with his nose. "This is all a little exciting, don't you think?" 

I wanted to throw up, I wanted to get out of here as fast as possible but I knew that I wouldn't be leaving here alive. "Why are you doing this to me?"

He spoke with his mouth against the skin of my collarbone and neck, "There's someone who wants to meet you." He planted a dirty kiss on my neck before he straightened up and pushed me forward and into the next room. 

Everything was confirmed at that moment, we were at my home, my own house. How was this even possible? Where was my father? Where was his staff? How had this happened? 

Zayn pushed me along until we were at my father's office, he sat me in the chair I had sat in last time I was here before he stroked my hair as he stood behind me, "Good luck." With that, he left the room leaving me alone with the ghosts of my house for company. 

Looking around the room I saw a photo of me and Thomas from when we were younger, not too much younger, maybe 15. We both looked so happy, so carefree. Leaning forward I was interrupted when the door opened, I straightened myself up before someone walked into my line of vision before taking the seat behind my father's desk. 

"Thomas?" My eyes widened as I stared at my twin brother who had taken his place as the head of the family. He was filling the boots of my father, but he was against my father and that was a dangerous place to be. 

"Hello, Elliott."

His voice sounded like him but he didn't look like him. He looked like he had been working out more, the muscles bulging out from his top, his hair short and his stubble overgrown as he stared at me, his eyes exactly the same colour as mine. "What are you doing?" I asked him as I shook my head. "Why am I here? What are you doing working with-"

"Silence!" He snapped as he held his hand out in front of me. "This is it for you, you have two choices, chose wisely."

I looked at him with wide eyes, my own brother was working against my father, the way to punish my father was to get me, here I was like a lamb to the slaughter. 

"Join us," he told me, "Join us and live." 

My fingers placed with the rope that held my hands together as I stared at Thomas, I shook my head defiantly. "No."

"Then you die," he told me in a matter-of-fact tone. "You'll die a slow, painful death at the hands of Max. And trust me, Max has a lot of anger that's pent up."

I wanted to ask why I needed to know why but right now I was at a loss for words. My own brother was going to let me die for some random person who I hadn't even met. 

"Why does he want me dead?" I asked quietly. 

Thomas stood up and spoke, "You're about to find out."

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