Thirtysix. 🔓

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"Hello?" The distinct voice of my brother repeated. 

I couldn't believe it worked, "Thomas?"


"Thomas," I repeated his name, shocked to hear his voice. "You're alive."

"You can't be calling me," he told me. 

"Don't go," I begged, "I need to hear your voice, I need to see you."

He breathed heavily, "I have to go."

The line clicked dead and I removed the phone from my ear and just stared at it. I couldn't believe I had found a way to contact the outside world, I grinned to myself as I got to my feet. I could ring my father, but if I rang him he'd tell Harry and I would have my phone taken away from me. Maybe I could ring Jessica, I hadn't spoken to her in ages, I wondered what she would have to say, I wondered if she would go to my father's house and demand to know where I was. I only knew two other people's numbers off by heart, one was Zayn and I didn't think to call him would be a good idea. My last choice was Ollie. 

Dialling it all in I pressed the green button to connect the call before putting the phone to my ear as it rang. It rang through to voicemail and I decided against leaving a message, that would be evidence I had reached out to someone.

I ended the call and placed the phone on the side table before pulling myself off the floor. Climbing onto the bed I laid down next to all the opened spat out pills before I stared at them as I tried to sleep. 


My surroundings were dark, the room was black as I leaned against the wall, the only light in here was a small red dot that was on my chest, I followed the beam to the end of a gun that was pointed at me in the hands of Michael. 

"You used to be so beautiful, Elliott."

I stayed still as I looked at him, I didn't even speak, I just watched him warily. 

"I could have saved you," he told me. "Max though, Max has decided the best thing to do with you is the make sure that you suffer."

"Suffer?" I questioned quietly. 

He nodded as he stepped closer to me, the beam and the dot disappearing from me. "The best way to make someone suffer is to torture someone they love." He switched the light on to reveal Harry laying in the middle of the floor, his eyes were closed and his mouth was gagged, his wrists bound together above his head and tied onto the radiator and his feet bound together and tied to a post. 

My eyes widened as I looked from Harry to Michael, "I don't love him."

Michael stepped over Harry and took my hands before standing behind me and placing the gun into my hands holding them steady, "Then kill him."

"Don't be stupid," I said as I shook my head. I tried to get out of his grip, his hands tightened around my wrists, "Get off me!" I screamed as I tried to thrash around but I found I was stuck in his grip. "Don't make me do this!" I shouted as I tried to move my hands to move the gun away from where it was pointed but found it was no use. 

"Why not?" 

"Get off me!"

"What's wrong, Elliott? Are you sure you don't love him?"

I relented, "I do."

"Say it all," Michael whispered in my ear. 

"I love him!" I screamed the words, they left my mouth loudly before I found the grip on my wrists loosen before I felt myself falling, just before I hit the ground I jolted awake. 

Saving Elliott [Harry Styles] Completed ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang