Chapter 17: Nightmare

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((Picture above by itami-salami on DeviantArt))

((No-one's P.O.V|???))

Yang opens her eyes to see fire and chaos everywhere. She examined her surroundings some more and came to the conclusion she was at Beacon. She then gained a look of shock and looked down, she had two hands. Yang then hears a echoing chuckle of a familiar voice. She looks up to see Infinite, holding Blake by the throat. Yang gains a look of anger on her face as her eye's turn red. "Get away from her!" Yang yells, moving forward a bit. Yang looks down to see both of her gauntlets were on her rists now. Yang let's out a battle cry, shooting multiple flair's at Infinite. The flair's simply faze thru him. Infinite drops Blake, red marks could be seen around her neck. Infinite turns his attention towards Yang, walking towards her slowly. Yang lets out another battle cry, going for more shots on Infinite. Yang opens her eye's to see her gauntlets had vanished. She looked back up to see Infinite still approaching her. Yang gets in a fighting position, only to notice half of her right arm was gone. Yang looked down, confused, only to look back up to see Infinite staring her down. A distorting noise can be heard as a scimitar appears in Infinite's hand. Yang lets out a gasp, opening her eye's. The sun light shone thru the window of her bedroom. A bark can be heard as Yang looks to her left to see Zwei, peeking his head over the side of the bed. Yang smiles and pets Zwei on the head, the corgi pushing his head against Yang's hand. "Hey, you okay?" a voice asks. Yang turns her attention to the entrance of her bedroom. Tai leaned up againts the door frame with his arms crossed. "Yeah... I'm fine" Yang says, with a lifeless tone in her voice. "Did you have the dream again?" Tai asks, walking over to Yang's side. "Yeah. I've been having all sorts of dreams with him in it. I've had good one's where he came back and came with me and Ruby to Beacon. He had a team of his own, and everything was fine until... until Beacon was being attacked. The mask just floated down and took control of him" Yang explained, looking out her bedroom window. Tai puts his hand on Yang's shoulder. "You can't let this get you down. I know my little firecracker has fought tougher" Tai encourages with a smile. Yang looks back at Tai, then at her nonexistent forearm. "I think he was the toughest" Yang blankly states. Tai gains a frown, taking his hand away from Yang's shoulder. Tai gets up and starts walking to the door of Yang's bedroom. "The package should be getting here soon. Just thought I'd let you know" Tai said before leaving the room. Yang smiles as Tai leaves the room, she then quickly gains a frown, turning her attention back to the window.

((Cuts to circled shape room))

A grunt can be heard as Emerald jumps back, dodging a blade of a sword. Tick rushes towards Emerald and gose for a stab, aiming at her gut. Emerald side steps, following the blade with her eye's. Due to her focusing on the blade for to long, Emerald gets kicked in the head, sending her down to the ground and causing her aura to break. Tick smiles as she stomps down on Emerald's chest with a smile. Tick raises her cutlass, ready to kill. A clapping can be heard as the two turn their attention to their left. Infinite walks out of the shadows, a grin on his face. He continued to clap while walking up to the two. "Your training is coming along well" Infinite comments, he stops clapping and puts his hands in his black coats pockets. "Thank you" Tick thanks, stepping off of Emerald's chest. Emerald lets in a deep inhale, sitting up. Emerald was about to speak, before Mercury slid across the stone floor. He came to a stop and looked up to see Kaa looking down at him with a devilish smile. Kaa lifted up her left hand, showing off her new weapon. It was a glove of sorts, a metal skeleton of sorts rested around it with different mechanisms built into it. Five long, sharp needles rested on Kaa's fingers. Inside them were a green liquid of sorts. Brown wires went from the glove and up her brown and black coats sleeve. Mercury stares at Kaa, "Heh, useless" Kaa harshly spits. Her left hand lunges towards Mercury. "Kaa!" Infinite calls in a calm voice. Kaa stops, the needles inches away from Mercury's chest. "Yes, my prince?" Kaa asks, standing up from her crouching position. "You seem to be amazing at combat. That will be put to the test soon. And Tick..." Infinite says, looking at Tick. Tick helps Emerald up, the two looking at Infinite. "Yes?" Tick reply's. "You'll need more training. Mercury, Emerald, both of you start training her, close combat too far ranged" Infinite orders. Mercury kips up, landing on his feet. Him and a Emerald nod before looking at Tick. "And Kaa, come with me" Infinite says. Kaa nods as Infinite walks back into the darkness. Kaa smirks as she looks back at Tick, Emerald and Mercury. "Good luck" she says in a seductive tone, mainly looking towards Tick.

((Cuts to a dark room))

The dark room soon fills with light as the creeking noise of hinges can be heard. Infinite and Kaa walk into the now lighted room. Infinite continues to walk as Kaa stops, surprised. Two figures can be seen, each in a fighting position.

 Two figures can be seen, each in a fighting position

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((Both Pictures by Bach Do on Twitter

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((Both Pictures by Bach Do on Twitter. Make sure to follow that beautiful son of a gun on Twitter, and check out their other art as well!))

The two look at Infinite and gain a straight posture before bowing. "Master Infinite" they both say in unison. Both of them sounding like their human-selfs. "Hello, ladies. Your sparring match going well?" Infinite ask walking up in front of them. "Yes" Schnee simply answers. Rose looks to her side. "You're free to speak" Infinite says. "I'm having a hard time with my scythe... It's very hard to get use to" Rose explains, rubbing the back of her head. "Don't worry my little Rose, you'll get better over time. But you, snowflake. Have made me very, very proud" Infinite says, looking over at Schnee. "Thank you, master" Schnee reply's, taking another bow. Infinite put's his right hand on Schnee's shoulder. "No need for such formalities at this current time. Please, Infinite would be just fine" Infinite says in a kind tone. "Thank you, Infinite" Schnee thanks, still bowing. Infinite removes his hand, Schnee gaining a straight posture. "I would like you two to meet your new partner. Kaa, this is Rose and Schnee" Infinite introduces. Kaa stays quite, staring at the two half human, half grimm hybrids. "Nice to finally meet you" Schnee says, taking a fancy bow. Rose just stared at Kaa with curiosity. "Infinite. Um, what is she?" Rose asks in a confusion. "My dear Rose, Kaa is what we call a Faunus. A Faunus has one animal trait on their body. For example, Kaa's scales on the different parts of her body. Some Faunus have cat ears, monkey tails, and can even shoot webs from their rists" Infinite explains. Rose just looks even more confused. "Animal?" she says, scratching her head in confusion. "You know, an animal you dunce!" Schnee exclaims, breaking her prim and proper attitude. "Well I'm sorry, I didn't read those books master Infinite gave us" Rose says quickly, backing up as Schnee walked closer and closer to her with an angry look on her face. A red lazer shoots past Schnee's face, missing her by only a couple of centimeters. "That's enough Schnee" Infinite says in an angered voice. Infinite lowers his arm and turns to Kaa. "Kaa, dear. Would you mind training with our little Rose?" Infinite asks. "Why, of course" Kaa says in a menacing voice, turning her attention towards Rose. Rose backs up even more, the look of fear still on her face. "And what about me?" Schnee asks. "Why, you'll be coming with me my little snowflake" Infinite says, turning around and walking to the exit of the door. "But, why?" Schnee questions. Infinite turns around, "Me and you will be having a little 'play date', to test your skills" Infinite answers, a smirk on his face.

To Be Continued...

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