Chapter 9: I'm the one

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((Picture above made by The-Missing-Tune on DeviantArt))

((No-one's P.O.V| Beacon))

"Schnee!" A voice yells. Winter Schnee turns her head around to see her boss, General Ironwood. After (Y/N) and Qrow arrived back at Beacon from their, 'bonding' session. Qrow started a fight with Weiss Schnee's big sister, Winter Schnee. Winter had one of her two swords pointed at Qrow's neck, almost piercing thru it. (Y/N) paid close attention to this little fight. He was not drunk anymore, vomited his guts out while him and his uncle made their way to the academy. (Y/N) took mental notes of both's fighting styles. They would eventually find out (Y/N) was the man behind the mask of Infinite, and most likely go after him when him and his colleagues make Beacon fall. Winter turns around and gains a straight stature. "General Ironwood, sir!" Winter says as Qrow backs away from her. "What in the world do you think you're doing?" Ironwood asks walking forward. One of the students behind him, (Y/N) remembered her name to be Penny when his sister introduced him to her.


(Y/N) has a tired look on his face as Ruby drags him into the cort yard of Beacon. "Ruby, it's 6:00 in the morning could your bro at least get some sleep?" (Y/N) asks drowsily. "No! I need you to meet one of my other friends!" Ruby exclaims, not even tired in the slightest. "Geez, how many friends do you have? You just introduced me to Sun and his team literally yesterday" (Y/N) reply's. "I know, nut I just want you to meet all of my friends" Ruby says stopping and letting go of her big brother. "Yeah, yeah" (Y/N) reply's. "Salutations!" A voice calls. (Y/N) lets out a yelp before almost falling back. Ruby grabs his hand mid-fall and tugs him back up to his feet. "(Y/N) this is Penny. Penny this is my big brother, (Y/N)" Ruby introduces. "Salutations Ruby's big brother!" Penny greets cheerfully. "Uhm, hi?" (Y/N) greets back. "Ohhh, I feel like you two are going to get along amazingly!" Ruby cheers. (Y/N) lets out a sigh Penny walks up to him. "You know, I've always wanted a brother" Penny randomly says. "Uh, okay?" (Y/N) says before looking at Ruby thinking up fantasies of him and Penny being best friends. "If you could Penny, please tell Ruby I need to get some sleep. I'll will talk to you later though" (Y/N) says before walking off back to the dorms. "Alright!" Penny yells while waving bye.

((Back to the present))

"He started the altercation, sir" Winter reply's to Ironwood. Qrow puts his arms behind his back and leans his head against his hands. "That's actually not true, she attacked first" Qrow corrects. "Is that right?" Ironwood says looking back at Winter. Winter keeps her mouth open trying to find words, but lowers her head down in defeat. Ironwood looks around at the crowd of students who flocked around to see the fight. "And you" Ironwood says looking at Qrow. Qrow turns his attention to Ironwood and points at himself. "What are you doing here?" Ironwood asks walking up to Qrow. "I could be asking you the same thing" Qrow reply's. "I- -" before Ironwood can finish, a voice interrupts him. "Now, now everyone" the voice says. Everyone turns their attention to Professor Ozpin. "There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the colosseum. That I can assure you has better seats. And popcorn" Ozpin says to the crowd. "Brake it up everyone! We will take care of this mess" Glynda Goodwitch says walking infront of Ozpin. Ironwood tightens his red tie and turns to Winter, "Let's go" he says. The two walk off with multiple Atlas robots following behind them... and Penny. (Y/N) walks up to Qrow's side. "You got the hot's for her or something?" (Y/N) asks. Qrow let's out a sigh, "Hardly" he reply's. "Uncle Qrow!" a voice calls. Ruby clings onto Qrow's right arm and holds onto it. "Hi" she greets. Qrow lifts up his arm taking Ruby off the ground. "Ahh, it's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!" Ruby asks. "Nope" Qrow reply's before giving Ruby a rub on the head. "Qrow!" Ozpin calls. Qrow turns his attention to Ozpin, while Ruby falls to the ground. "A word, please" Ozpin says as Glynda uses her semblance to fix the giant hole in the ground. Ruby get's back up, "I think I'm in trouble" Qrow whispers. "You did kinda tear up out courtyard" Ruby reply's. "Yeah, I did. Catch you two later" Qrow says giving Ruby a fist bump before walking off. While Qrow walks towards Ozpin. Ozpin stares at (Y/N). (Y/N) stares back before raising his eyebrow. Ozpin turns around when Qrow reaches his side, giving the feeling of "I have my eye on you". "And suddenly your recklessness makes sense" Weiss says walking up to the the two siblings. "That go for me too?" (Y/N) asks. "You seem way more focused" Weiss compliments. (Y/N) let's out a laugh before walking off towards the dorm buildings. "I'll catch you two later" (Y/N) says waving bye to his sister and her teammate. (Y/N) gets into a deep thought as he walks past some students. Ozpin looked at him with a kind of worried look, and a suspicious look?.

((Small timeskip, Beacon dorms))

"(Y/N)!" a voice calls. (Y/N) looks to his left to see Mercury running up to him. Mercury stops infront of him out of breath. "What's wrong?" (Y/N) asks. "You saw him right? Black hair, gray clothes, big sword" Mercury says. "Yes, my uncle" (Y/N) reply's. "Yeah, I- wait... uncle?" Mercury asks. "Um. I thought it would have been obvious?" (Y/N) says. "Well not to me! You do remember him interrupting when Cinder was almost done gaining Falls powers right?" Mercury says. "Of course. If it wasn't for him we would have been done with our task long ago" (Y/N) reply's. "We should go tell Cinder and Emerald" (Y/N) says as he walks off, Mercury close behind him.

((Small timeskip))

"And you're sure?" Cinder asks. Mercury sat in a chair while (Y/N) leaned against the wall of the dorm. "Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him" Mercury explains. "Cinder, I was out with him drinking and arrived with him. Of course it's him" (Y/N) says. "What do we do?" Emerald asks. "Nothing. We stay the course" Cinder answers. "They have no idea who you three are. I wear a mask while I'm attending... 'business', so we should not worry about this. We will obtain our goal" (Y/N) says standing up straight. "Besides, the last of the heavy lifting is being taken care of thanks to our clever little friend" Cinder says walking over and grabbing a tablet off the table of the room. She proceeds to sit down on the table while scrolling thru different files. "Ahh, speaking of which , it appears we have a new access point" Cinder says. "Anywhere good?" Emerald asks as (Y/N) strolls over to Cinder's side. "Oh, fun!" he comments looking at the different files. "Go to your rooms. Me and (Y/N) will prepare everything for tomorrow" Cinder says. "Yes ma'am" Emerald says. "Got it" Mercury says as well as the two walk off. (Y/N) and Cinder look back at the tablet to see they are able to choose which teams go up against who in the tournament. "Let's give the crowd a show, so they'll be chanting encore" (Y/N) says as Cinder changes the wheel system to Emerald and Mercury versus Coco and Yatsuhashi.


"The randomization process is completed!" Professor Port announces over the microphone as the giant screen in the colosseum shows Emerald and Mercury versus Coco and Yatsuhashi. "Ladies and gentlemen, your doubles tournament line-up!" Port finishs as the crowd erupts with cheers. Cinder and (Y/N) start to clap as well, gaining evil smirks on their faces.

((I don't want to make this chapter really fricking long so enjoy the fight in animation))

"And with an amazing upset, Emerald and Mercury are victorious!" Professor Oobleck exclaims. Both boo's, and cheer's could be heard from the crowd. "Coco...?" Coco's teammate, Velvet says worried. Her other teammate, Fox, puts his arm on Velvet's shoulder, comforting her. Ruby, whow as sitting beside Velvet, looks back down to the battlefield with worry on her face. Behind them, (Y/N) and Cinder get out of their seats and walk away with smirks on their faces.

((Timeskip, night. Next day))

Cinder looks thru more files on her tablet and Mercury dose push-ups, Emerald reads on her scroll. And (Y/N) finishs watching Weiss and Yang beat Flynt Coal and Neon Kat in the doubles tournament on his scroll. "Oh!" Cinder says gaining a surprised look on her face. "What?" Emerald asks as she look up at Cinder along with (Y/N) while Mercury stops doing push-ups. "Oh, nothing" Cinder says taping on a file named 'P.E.N.N.Y'. (Y/N) walks over and looks at the tablet. "Fun!" (Y/N) exclaims. "We're just going to be making a slight... hmm... alteration to the plan" Cinder says. Mercury and Emerald look at each other. "What dose that mean?" Mercury asks before going back to doing push-ups. "It means that this just got a even easier then we could imagine" (Y/N) says gaining a smirk on his face.

To Be Continued...

((Sorry for any misspelt words, I write these late at night when I'm tired. I'll fix this along with this, and any other chapter in the future))

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