Chapter 64: End All This

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I stared at the ceiling blankly, not knowing what to do. Tomorrow is the simulation, then one week after that the expedition begins.

We'll take the subway to Wall Maria and rest up for the rest of the day. Before dawn on the next day, a helicopter will take us up to every team's starting point.

Then we'll be suffering in the middle of winter on one of Paradis' most fiercest mountains for a good 2 months.

I sighed, covering my eyes with my hand. Why do I have to be in one team with Levi? After everything he put me through, at the very least I can get some space from him.

You can't escape your fate (Y/N).


If this is your fate, then you can't do anything about it.

Yeah, I get that. But I still don't like it.

Face it (Y/N). You still love him no matter how much you say you hate him.

I am aware of that, you stupid voice. And I hate myself for that.

There's no need to hate yourself. I suggest you confront him, and clear everything up once and for all.

As if he'd ever agree to sit down and talk.

You have to try at the very least. Clear some air before the expedition.

We'll see. Also, I wanted to ask you something.


We've been communicating a lot more often and it's annoying that I still call you voice.


So... why don't you tell me your name?

The voice was silent for a while, and I just layed there, waiting for an answer. Ever since that day I cracked a window using a stress ball, voice has been on much better terms with me.

And I haven't heard anything from those whispers.

...I thought you already knew my name?

I'm not sure. No.

Just keep on calling me voice for now. You'll know my name when the time comes.


We're not discussing this (Y/N). Please.

I huffed, sitting up on my bed. Whatever.

I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. Once I was finished with all my business, I went over to my study corner and sat down.

I reluctantly took the piece of paper Shadis had given each teams a few days ago. Our team's position is in Lane 3.

And it just so happens that Lane 3 is considered the most dangerous spots out of the rest.

Why? Because there's a fucking cliff in there.

Somewhere around the second zone, there is a giant cliff at the edge of a forest. The principal, Shadis and multiple trainers has specifically warned our team about that cliff.

We've even gone as far as receiving extra lessons about it.

About a week ago, Shadis revealed what we were supposed to do on the expedition.

On the first month, we have to map out the first zone -the first half of the whole lane- and make a report like the first expedition. Not only that, but we're supposed to write daily logs about everything.

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