Chapter 20: You What?!

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Okay. Now I really hate school.

I haven't felt this stressed since.... who the hell knows?

I let out a sigh as I continued typing final report assignment for the first year I've been here. It fucking sucks.


Cuz it's about history.

I suck at history. You have no idea how hard I study for it just to get a decent score.

It's a 1000 words assignment, and I've already lost it at 100.

Well, at least I'm better than Petra. She hasn't even touched her's. Also, almost a year has passed, and she still doesn't have the balls to ask Levi out.

And speaking about the bitch, me and him are alright now. Not the best of friends, but it's something. Unfortunately, we're always neck to neck with our scores, which drives me fucking crazy.

But for some weird reason, we help each other out with things we don't understand, even though the explanation of the things we have trouble with is always accompanied by our holy vocabulary.

I brought a chip to my mouth, slowly chewing it as I thought of what to type. The door creaking open made me look up, greeted with the sight of Petra walking in.

"Back from detention?" I snickered, earning a glare.

"Oh shut up (Y/N), you've gotten a detention from Rico bitch as well," she snapped, tossing her bag on the floor.

"Oh please, you know the whole class went to detention that day because we started a spit ball fight in Rico's class." I said, making us laugh together.

My chuckle faded away and I took another chip to my mouth. "Anyways, about Levi," I started, "When are you going to make your move?"

Petra silenced as she gave the a question a thought. "I... think I have an idea when," she said slowly.

"Took you long enough," I muttered back, eating another chip.

"But, I'll save that for later," Petra said suddenly and headed for the bathroom.

I gave a mental shrug and took another chip, closing my eyes as I chewed it.

I don't know if I fell into a small sleep or the dark was just so calming, but when I opened my eyes Petra was wearing a fancy outfit.

"Where the hell are you going?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"There's a concert at town and I heard (f/band) was playing there. Also, there's gonna be a wicked party afterwards. Literally all the dormitories officers and teachers are going."

"But what about your assignment?" I asked, slightly worried for her.

"(Y/N), that's like due on Monday. There's plenty of time." Petra brushed off, slipping on her heels.

"See you later hun," Petra waved goodbye then went out the door, closing it behind her.

That girl, is a party queen. When there's party, she's always there. And the worst part is she hasn't touched any of her homework, at all. I honestly worry about that girl's education. She's jumping around too much if you ask me.

As I continued to think about Petra, my phone started ringing.

Who the hell?

I answered the call, bringing the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

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