Chapter 5: Eren's True Power

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"Mr. Hannes," I called out, doing my best to keep my eyes off the sinful game.

"H-huh what? What'ya want?-- Oh, (Y/N), here already?"

"You said 8 o'clock sir," I said, scratching the back of my head awkwardly. "I just did what you told me to."

"Wait. Where are your two buddies?" He asked, looking behind me.

"In their room...?" I replied, unsure.

"Oh, well they're late. I told them to be here at eight."

"Well, Armin would've woken up by now, so he's probably trying to get Eren out of bed," I guessed, sitting down on the comfy chair the opposite side of him. "So they should be here any minute."

And hell, I was right. Eren suddenly came rushing to us followed by a panicked Armin.

"Eren wait!!" Armin tried to say, but Eren ignored him completely.

The brown haired boy finally reached us, and he slammed his fists on the table. "Where is it?!" He growled, eyes glaring.

"Where is what?" Mr. Hannes asked in confusion, slightly startled with Eren's entrance.

Armin reached beside me, and quickly explained in ragged breaths. "I-I read on the brochure.... that... VIP and VVIP... gets to have... an all-you-can-eat buffet."

I have a bad feeling to where this is going.

"A-and... I told that to... Eren... so he'd... get out.. of bed."

Yep, no no, I guessed that's where it was going.

"Well if that's the problem then I have something to say about it." Mr. Hannes butted in. "The buffet is closed this morning because the hotel had a special guest last night, and they had a grand party, so all the food's finished and they haven't refilled it since the chefs all got drunk and have a wicked hangover."

"What the fuck?!" Eren's head slumped on the table.

Shouldn't the chefs be fired for doing that? I thought to myself.

Mr. Hannes chuckled and patted Eren's head. "Well kid, I called you down here early 'cause we're having breakfast before we leave. And it's all on me."

"Seriously???" We all exclaimed.

"Yep. Old Mr. Hannes here is feeling generous this morning so hurry up and order what you want before I don't feel so generous anymore."

We all looked at each other, and without a single word, we laid down on the joint chair/sofa and got to work.

I ordered Paradis's Special Spaghetti Meatballs, which is a fancy saying for some spaghetti and meatballs, with a Deluxe Sundae Delight as desert and a bottle of water for the drink.

Armin ordered a chicken beef soup with some hot lemon tea, and don't even get me started on Eren.

The guy ordered like, everything in the menu.

"Eren.... take it easy will ya?" Mr. Hannes was eyeing Eren for the past 20 minutes, secretly counting how namy dishes he's gone through.

"I can't," Eren forced out his reply, his mouth was full of freakin cheeburgs.

I rested my head on my hand, watching the ever-evolving monster chug down all his food.

"Mr. Hannes, how much money has Eren blown by now?" Armin asked as quietly as possible.

"He's reached around $479... wait no, he just ordered again. That's $493... oh nope.. $504 with that drink."

I sighed. "Eren you just ordered your last meal for the day," I announced, and he glared at me while swallowing a mouthful of spicy beef lasagna. "What?" He snarled.

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