Chapter 50: Ms. Falida

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The ride was silent. At least, for me. It was just over midnight when we arrived, now we're taking a cab over to the police station.

I forgot what stage of grieve I was in. I still didn't really accept what happened, but I know it's already over. Irreversible.

She's never coming back.

Her advices wasn't working anymore. No matter how many deep breaths I've taken, I still couldn't quite grasp my mind around it.

Everything was a blur. Just flashing lights passing me. Just the sound of soft drizzling hitting the roof of the car, or the occasional sobs of Armin.

I'm so sorry Armin, Eren. I can't be that person to lean on right now.

Thunder crackled, and I could hear the rain falling down harder.

Disappointment and sadness hit me hard, realising I have failed as their sister. I hate myself. I hate not being able to protect those I love. I hate the world for everything. I hate my life.

I would've ended everything a long time ago. But I didn't, and I won't. I'm all that's left for Eren and Armin. I can't just do something like that to them.

If I can't live my life for myself, then I'll live for them.

The car stopped near the entrance. A few officers were waiting outside on the shaded areas. All eyes focused on me when I stepped out of the cab slowly, not really caring about the fact that the rain was pounding my back.

An officer stepped forward and dragged me to the shaded area they were standing in. "Stay out of the rain (Y/N)."

I looked up, wondering how the person knew my name. Through the dim light, I could finally see his face.

"Do you still remember me?" He asked, letting go of my hand. I nodded.

This man, Mr. Desh, was one of the officers who handled the case of my parents' death. I also stayed in his house for a few days while they searched for a nearby orphanage.

Ms. Falida opened her orphanage just in time before I was moved to another town. I was one of her very first orphans that stayed there.

"Are you handling this... case too?" I asked, my voice hoarse. He shook his head sadly.

"I'm not, but I wanted to be here to help you sort everything out."

Eren and Armin appeared by my side, standing slightly in front of me, both glaring at Mr. Desh.

"Stay away from her," Eren snarled, clenching his hand.

Are they... protecting me?

"She doesn't any more problems from you guys," Armin added, his voice harsh.

"It's fine," I assured softly, getting the attention of my two brothers. "This is Evan's dad," I told them, placing my hand on their shoulder.

Recognition slowly seeped into their expressions, laced with guilt and disbelief.

Evan is Mr. Desh's son, a few years younger than me. He was born without any legs, and because of that, his mother abandoned the family. She denied her son, and threw away her wedding ring, before disappearing.

Mr. Desh met her once about 7 years later. How they met? He was assigned on a homicide case with her as the victim. One of her hook ups ended her life after getting his business done.

They're a family who's been through hard times.

Eren and Armin apologized sincerely to the cop, who returned it with a closed smile.

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