Chapter 3: Garroth Exposed

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Aaron's POV
It's been a few weeks. Aphmau visits me often, but I've never had the nerve to tell her. I had the picture from Diana, and I knew Garroth made Aphmau do all the chores, but I never had the nerve to tell her.

Until now.

I woke up today, and decided that today would be when I told her everything. I've even talked to Katelyn. I sighed and checked the time. It was time for my weekly workout. So I went downstairs to my basement.

Aphmau's POV
"Hey Garroth? I'm going to go visit Aaron, kay?" I came up behind him.

"Did you finish cleaning?" Garroth asked,

"Mhm, you know I always finish any housework before I leave." I said, he nodded and I went outside.

"Be back before midnight!" He called,

"I always am!" I called back, closing the door behind me. It was cold out, so I pulled Aaron's sweater on overtop of my purple crop top, before crossing the street to his house. I knocked on his door,

"Aaron?..." I called, before opening the door and stepping inside. He had told me I was welcome to just come in anytime, so when he didn't answer I did.

"Aaron?" I called, a little bit louder,

"I'm in the basement!" I heard him reply, I went to his basement door and started down the stairs.

"Hey, what are you doing down h-" I stopped dead, seeing him hanging from a pull-up bar, doing pull-ups. His shirt was on the floor in the corner, exposing his eight-pack. The heat rushing into my face, told me I had just turned 50 shades of red.

"I'm working out, why?" He asked,

"O-Oh... sorry I've just n-never seen you doing it before..." I said,

"O-Oh! Do you w-want me to stop?" He asked, turning slightly pink and letting go of the bar.

"N-No, it's fine okay?... I... I'm just gonna sit here and draw, okay?" I moved to the corner, and sat down, pulling out my sketch book and a pencil. I saw him go over, and put his shirt on.

"Aph... can I ask you something?" He asked,

"Well, you just did, but sure. What's up?" I asked,

"Have you ever considered... Garroth might be using you?" He asked, I looked up at him startled,

"Why would you suggest such a thing?!" I asked with a small laugh, "He loves me..."

"But... he never let's you have your ears and tail out, and makes you do all the chores in the house, and... I saw what happened two nights ago, when he attacked you with a knife. I'm just... worried." Aaron offered a hand and I took it. He gently pulled me up against him.

"A-Aaron?" I asked nervously. He hugged me,

"Garroth is cheating on you..." he whispered in my ear, "with Jennifer, from college." I pushed away from him,

"W-What?! Wheres your proof?!" I demanded, he took his phone pulled up a picture. He showed it to me,

"Diana sent this to me, she took it while she was hanging out with them at Jenny's house." He said quietly, it was Garroth and Jenny kissing. I gasped and covered my mouth, staring at the photo, tears pricking my eyes, threatening to fall loose.

"I..." I didn't have anything to say,

"I'm sorry... he's a jerk, and doesn't deserve you." Aaron said, pulling me into a hug. I started crying into his shirt. Eventually he pulled away from me, and stared down. Then, he looked at me, trailing his thumb down my jawline,

"He... doesn't love you... like I do..." he whispered to me. I stared up at him, getting lost in his beautiful, night eyes.

Then he kissed me, and we just stood there, passionately kissing in his basement, because I kissed him back. We pulled away for air,

"A-Aaron... I-"

"Shh..." he shushed me, running his hand through my hair. I went still, just staring at him, rigid.

"Your staying here from now on. Go have a bath, I'll bring some extra clothes." He said,


"No buts, I'll take you up to the bathroom, and you can bathe while I get you some clothes. Katelyn and I will go get the rest of your stuff tomorrow, okay my Luna?"

I nodded, and he took my phone,

"H-Hey!" I exclaimed, trying to grab it back. He held out of my reach,

"You'll just text him..." he shook his head, "I'll give it back later."

I nodded hesitantly, and followed him upstairs, like a shy puppy. Not speaking, just following. He showed me the bathroom, and I went inside, hearing him leave. I registered what had happened,

"H-He kissed me..." I whispered, "and... c-called me h-his... his Luna..." I whispered, moving to the bathtub and starting it. He had bath bombs for some reason, but I ignored them and started bathing.

"Aph! I have some clothes for you on my bed, they might be a little big!" Aaron called. I took a deep breath, and decided to see if I was right,

"O-Okay Alpha!" I called. If I became his, then I wouldn't be a lone wolf anymore. I would he part of his pack, and would need to call him Alpha.

Aaron's POV (again!)
"Sh-She's catching on..." I mumbled to myself, leaning against the wall. Truthfully, even if she's not mine, I want her to be part of my pack. I saw the door open, and stayed still as she came in. Aphmau went over to my bed and to the clothes, she sat down, still not noticing me, and I looked away as she put the oversized shirt. Then I snuck up behind her.

I felt a pair of warm arms snake around me, and Aaron kissed my neck. I shuddered a little, as he trailed up and down both sides of my neck,

"A-Alpha..." I mumbled, as my face heated up. He stopped and pulled away, walking in front of me,

"What did you call me?" He asked, staring down at me. It was strange, he was so much bigger then me, I was short and thin, and he was tall and muscular. I felt... weak, kind of. Like he was someone I should listen to, and care for, but I also felt... a fire. A passionate fire, telling me to love him, and care for him forever. I glanced away, not answering.

"Aph, what did you just call me?" He grabbed my chin, and gently made me look at him,

"I... I c-called you... A-A-Alpha..." I responded quietly, closing my eyes and waiting for something to happen. He sat next to me,

"Does that mean... you'll be part of my pack?" He asked, and I nodded nervously. He was quiet, and I went still again, a little scared.

"I'm glad, my Luna.~" he said eventually, making me blush even more.

"R-Really?..." I looked at him, and our eyes met again.

"Really." He confirmed, standing up in front of me, my ears and tail appeared, as we stared at each other, into each others eyes. Then he pulled me up, and started kissing my neck again. I blushed, as he went up and down.

"A-Are you sure?... being Luna... i-is dangerous sometimes..." he said, I nodded, not trusting my voice to work anymore. He pulled away.

I saw his fangs.

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