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"I'm not running I'm just tryna go check on my sis real quick" she said looking around seeing her cassidy boo'd up with dasani smiling in her face

Looking In the direction she was looking in he smirked "she seem fine to me , just sit down Ian Gonna do nothing I just want some company " He said sipping out of his cup.

Folding her arms she looked at him "Where yo friends at? I know you didn't come by yourself"

"I didn't but I'm tryna make new friends" he hinted as she sighed and sat down beside him

"Now was that so hard? Damn"

A loud laugh came from the other couch where Kayla and jayceon was.

"What bitch?" Kayla said out of nowhere looking at Camille as Jayceon held her waist

Squinting her eyes She looked around trying to figure out who she was talking to cause she definitely wasn't looking at her

"I'm talking to you Camille don't be looking clueless" she laughed

Camille was confused because when they were at the house she was nowhere near this type of energy

Getting up Camille started to walk away before she did something she wouldn't regret

"Scary ass bi-" before Kayla could get the words out Camille turned around running over to her punching her dead in the face and kept swinging nonstop

Jayceon got up and grabbed Camille arm and slinged her off of Kayla making her fall across the floor.

the Uber guy jumped off of the couch and punched Jayceon in the mouth

Kayla got on top of Camille and started pulling her hair and scratching her in the face. Once Cassidy saw what was happening she ran over towards them yanking Kayla off of her dragging her across the floor

By this time it was a full blow fight session everyone was fighting

Security ran up the steps breaking it up

"You hit like a bitch my guy" Jayceon said wiping the blood from his face as his chest rose up and down going to get Kayla up who laid on the ground

"Yeah ight yo face say other wise tho" he spat

"Y'all Okay" he said walking towards Cassidy , Ari and Camille

"Yeah Thank you for what you did you didn't have to do that" Camille said looking at him

she had finally taking time to realize how good he looked "I told you I'm tryna make new friends mama"

He had her smiling after she had just gotten into a fight usually she'd be mad

"Well I guess I automatically gotta make you my friend huh?"

"I mean I did just get into a fight over you so" he joked

"You right , you already showing more loyalty then a lot of people and i don't even know you. So consider us friends"

"Can I call you sometime or something" he said pulling out his phone "umm yeah"

"I normally don't give my number out either" she laughed

"It better not be fake cause I will pop up at yo crib, don't forget I know where you staying" he said joking but serious at the same time

Playfully rolling her eyes She took his phone and typed her number in and handed it to him "see you around" She said before walking away with The rest of the girls

As they walked out the club Jayceon was standing posted up against his car

"You really out here fighting with our child in your stomach?" He asked flaring his nose

"The baby is gone jayceon!! Leave me the fuck alone and go tend to that girl you brought, she the one who started it in the first place" Camille yelled 

"What you mean it's gone!? , you killed my seed Camille! Huh!" He yelled grabbing her arm with a tight grip

"Why do you care? You didn't care before" she started snatching her arm out of his hand making her to the car

"It's been 2 fucking months since I told you that shit and you just now caring, for what? Cause somebody else has my attention?"

"I care because it's mine now what the fuck happened!?" He grilled her

"I had a miscarriage okay?" She said sighing as the memories from that night flooded her head

"Why didn't you tell me?" He said trying to pull her closer but she pulled away

"Cause you didn't fucking care jayceon Damn like what the fuck don't you understand?, you treated and still do treat me like complete shit , so stop trying to act like you care now because you don't" She said getting into the car as Cassidy drove off

"I can't believe that nigga" Camille said starring out the window shaking her head

"Like how you let your girl disrespect me and infront of my face then try to turn shit on me like I'm the bad guy?" She said smacking her lips

"I don't deserve to be treated like this at all I literally haven't done shit to him but he steady breaking me every chance he gets"

"You don't deserve this at all Camille and he gonna get what's coming for him watch" Ari said shaking her head

"I'm sorry Camille he really changing I wouldn't have never thought he'd treat you like this" Cassidy said sighing

"Not your fault " she shrugged looking out the window

Jayceon had pushed her buttons for the last time , and she was done letting him treat her like this. She deserved better

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