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She could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer minute by minute

The doorknob began to turn as soon as the door opened she pushed the trigger causing the gun to go off shooting the person right in the stomach

Once she realized who the person was her heart sunk to the bottom of her chest....

"DASANI!" She yelled as she watched him fall to the ground as blood poured from his body.

Her hands was shaking and she couldn't control the tears that ran down her face

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I didn't mean to I'm sorry" she cried out trying to stop the blood from flowing out of his body

Quickly getting her phone out she dialed 911

She figured the people who broke in already left

"911 what's your emergency"

"My-my boyfriends had been shot he's losing a lot of blood please hurry!!! PLEASE!"

"Ma'am help is on the way" the operator said

Nodding her head she could hear the sirens in distance

Grabbing a towel she placed it on top of him to keep him from loosing to much blood

"911" she heard the officers yell

Fuck she sighed as the gun laid beside her with her finger prints all over it

If the police knew that she had shot him they would turn this into something that it wasn't

Quickly picking up the gun she placed it under the cabinets

"I'm in the bathroom" she yelled loud enough for them to hear

Looking down at Dave his eyes were slowly closing causing her to smack him "I need you to stay up Dasani please , stay up" she begged crying

"Ma'am how long has it been since he's been shot" the officer asked as a perimedic came in with a garnet to place him on

"Idk about 10 or 20 minutes, he's been bleeding out a lot will he be okay" she asked getting up off of the ground as the took him out of the room

"We won't know ma'am you'll have to wait until we arrive to the hospital

Nodding her head she grabbed her keys so she would be able to follow them and his phone so she could call someone

"And can you explain what happened here?"

"Sure , me and Dasani were in the bathroom about to shower when someone broke in the house catching us off guard shooting him"

"So if the shot him why did he fall outwards towards the door instead of fowards"

"He didn't , I turned him around trying to drag him out of the bathroom into the room but I couldn't because he was to heavy so I left him facing the entrance until you all got here"

The officer opened his mouth about to speak until she spoke before him

"Officer if you don't mind I'd really like to be making my way to the hospital now and I know you guys want to run finger prints and stuff but that would have to wait after I check up on him" she quickly dismissed him leading him and the rest of the cops out

Walking to her car once she got in she pulled Dasani phone out going to his text message calling the last person he texted. It rung about 3 times before they answered

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