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"Oh my god" Cassidy threw her head back as she sat in the front seat of the car with her leg propped up holding onto the coat the door leaning over into the middle a little

"Do you know how much pain I'm in" she said opening her legs trying to get more space

The second the got on the highway she started to lose her shit "oh my— you know— do you know" she said trying to get her words out but took a deep breath due to the pain "oh my fucking god" she said lifting her body up leaning towards the backseat a little

"Alright it's cool it's cool it's cool" Dasani said driving

"Ahhhhh!!" Cassidy screamed pushing her seat back raising the the window down getting air

"Relax" Dasani said trying to calm her down which only caused her to get mad

"Do you got two babies in you fucking stomach causing you the worst fucking pain off your life?!?" She asked "no you don't so shut the fuck up" she pushed his head groaning

Right now Dasani was scared to make the wrong moves or any sharp pains or any hard stops just because she wasn't sitting correctly and he wasn't ready to have any babies in his car

"Oh!" She groaned "just drive just drive just drive please" she said lifting herself up "it hurts so so so so bad" she said throwing her head back crying

Even though they had only been driving for 5 minutes it felt like they had been In this car forever

"Oh my , do you know— do you know how— oh my fucking god" she yelled

"I'm sorry , just relax" he said looking over at her

Dasani thought they had a whole month left so he wasn't really sure what was going on so he didn't know what to do

"9 more minutes cass 9 more minutes" he said

"Just get me there I don't care" she said closing her eyes putting her hands on the dashboard

"9 minutes" he said pulling her towards him rubbing her shoulder kissing her forehead

"You should've got in the back" he said making her laugh

"D this pain is serious the babies are coming" she said crying "Dasani if you don't get me to that hospital, oh my god" she threw her head back

Getting lower to the ground he went over the speed bumps "the speed bumps" she groaned

"I know , get up" he said as they arrived at the hospital

"Get in front of that car" she pointed "just stop just stop" she said as he stopped the car and she hopped out wobbling into the hospital as fast as she can

With Dasani right behind her "park that for me" he gave the man who worked for the hospital parking cars his keys running in behind her

"Whew I need a doctor I believe I'm about to give birth" Cassidy said groaning as the pains began to get worst than before

Immediately recognizing the pain she was in the doctor got her a wheelchair as other doctors flooded the front taking her to a room

Since it was really time to have her babies and her water didn't break yet the doctors gave her some pain pills and wanted to wait a day or two before actually delivering the babies

"I want some ice" Cassidy said as Dasani stood over her her damping her forehead with a rag

"Ight ima go get you some" he said placing a kiss on her cheek going to find some ice

As soon as he left a nurse came in "How are you doing ms.harper" she asked typing things into her laptop

That question seemed to annoy Cassidy every time someone asked but she simply answered "I'm still in a lot of pain but less than before" she said

All she wanted to do was get these kids out of her

"Alright so we checked your stats and you should be going into labor soon so the pain will be going on a couple of hours" the nurse said before walking out and Dasani came back in giving her the ice

"Thanks" she said eating the ice out the cup

It's like as soon as she finished the cup of ice the babies starting kicking the shot out of her stomach making her scream out in pain "ughhhhh" she yelled grabbing onto Dasani hand squeezing it tight causing him to squirm trying to get out of her grip

"Get the doctors and get these damn babies out of me!!" She yelled as Dasani pushed the button letting the doctors know they needed to come

Clenching her teeth together she screamed as tears ran down her face

"Ms.harper were going to give you an Epidural to relief the pain before you start pushing" she said as Cassidy nodded her head as they gave it to her , she didn't really want to do the epidural at first but she didn't realize she was going to be in this much pain

"Ms.harper I'm going to need for you to start pushing on 3 okay?" The doctor said as she nodded

"1......2........3!!" Pushing as hard as she could she screamed out in pain

"Give me one more big push"

"Ughhhhhhhhhh" She groaned pushing had as hell as she began to hear a baby crying

"Baby A is out let's get baby b out to mom now give me one gigantic push on 3, 1......2.....3!!!" Cassidy pushed even harder than before causing baby B to slip right out

Dasani stood at the end of the bed amazed as he watched his two children enter the world, he even shedded a tear or two

"Damn they look just like me like I knew they would" Dasani said as he held one baby in his arms and Cassidy held the other

"They look like me not you" Cassidy smiled kissing her baby on the forehead

"Wow were officially parents" she laughed smiling at her kids

Welcome Zaire apollo east and cashmere Elias east

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