Chapter Thirty-Eight: Justice and Love

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"Girl, this is crazy, look at you on TV!"

Kieran stood in my lounge room, rather than sitting like a normal person. He was currently referring to the news as it aired the photos the press had somehow gotten a hold of, and then images from the press conference held earlier today. I didn't exactly do any talking during it though, it was all Clarke explaining we were in a relationship, that I didn't work there anymore, and to respect our privacy right now. Alicia even made an appearance to show her support.

The news was even suggesting Alicia and I were good friends, I mean we were, but they also were still speculating how Clarke and I got together.

"Calm down, Kieran. I didn't invite you here to obsess over this," I groaned.

"How can I not when my friend is on TV, with her hot boyfriend I might add," Kieran pointed out, sitting on the couch next to me.

"Thank you," I rolled my eyes slightly. "But seriously I just want things to calm down. Don't get me wrong, every second I'm with Clarke it's great, time actually slows down when we're alone I swear. Then his phone rings and it's either the police or the PR time, or Malcom and it's something new, a new problem and then we both have to move a million miles per hour."

"And it doesn't feel like you're together then?" Kieran guessed.

"Yeah, it's weird, I just hate the feeling," I explained. "I hate that Clarke's as stressed out as he is right now. He's doing everything to keep the company going right now, and everything to make a relationship between us work, and he's even been looking a place in Connecticut for me...well us, but me, and I don't know how he's doing it."

I saw Kieran smile. "I think it's pretty obvious."

"Oh, really. Well explain it to me cause I don't get it," I frowned.

"He can handle it because he has you," Kieran shrugged. "I'm not going to claim it's easy, but I can only imagine having someone there, like you, makes it all a little better."

Maybe Kieran was right, I don't know, but it made me more inclined to spend every free minute with Clarke that I could. Like the next day, I made sure to show up and see Clarke for his lunch break. Most the time we had to have lunch in the building but at least it was something.

"Oh, hey, babe, just give me two minutes," Clarke said when he saw me walk into his office.

"Babe?" I frowned.

He looked up from his desk and smiled a little. "Don't like it?"

", I don't mind," I admitted. "Your office door was wide open by the way."

"Oh, I know," Clarke nodded. "I'm trying to be a little more open, like my father was. Thought it might help me run things better around here."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that...babe," I smiled back.

I sat in the spare chair in his office on my phone whilst I waited for Clarke to finish what he was doing, and then Clarke's desk phone rang, and I sighed. We might be here a while.

"Yes, hello. I don't have long-," Clarke started to say but suddenly stopped and I saw him look very confused. "Are you sure? Right now? Yes...yes, thank you."

Clarke hang the phone up quickly and stood up just as fast. I knew something was wrong.

"What's happened? What's wrong?" I asked, standing up.

"It's the police," Clarke stuttered, as he made his way to start to leave. "'There's about to be a whole task force coming through our lobby now."

"Why?" I asked.

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