Chapter Eleven: Permet de Faire des Affaires

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I knew from previous years when Henry attended that this gala that this was a big event, as it involved some of the biggest companies in Europe, but I didn't expect what I saw when we got there. There was a red carpet, photographers and reporters from magazines. I stayed way out of the way of the photos and let Clarke deal with that, but made sure we got inside quickly because I knew he couldn't answer too many questions. Someone like Clarke was important at these things though because with his company it helped these guys break into the American market, something that was usually a big deal.

Once we stepped inside I was kind of in awe. We were standing in a huge ballroom, the ceiling was so high you could fit a giant in here, well I wasn't why else they could build a ceiling so high but it was probably something to do with the two stairs cases that ran up either side of the ballroom to the balcony above. The ceiling had paintings on them, I couldn't make them out from here, but I knew anything about French history and they were good. There was also a massive chandelier made of what looked like crystals hanging above lighting up the room. The floor was made from tiles, but I was pretty sure the tiles were marble as I could hear the sound of my heels clang as I stepped. There were a combination of white and yellow mustard type colour, a theme to tie in with the gold edges around the walls.

The room was huge and spaned quite far. There were several round tables with white table cloths and large white flower centre pieces and big gold candle sticks and from here it looked like white china plates and silver cutlery. There was already a number of people here, all wearing suits and beautiful dresses and expensive jewellery. I was really glad I had gotten this dress now and not gone with the red one. I would've looked so cheap.

"What table were we seated at again?" Clarke asked.

He was standing next to me as I looked around the room and I realised he was very stiff. I realised this was Clarke terrified and nervous. His arms were tight to his side and I could see his chest rising high and fast. I almost sure his hands were shaking.

"Table six," I answered him. "Hey, calm down. It's going to be fine."

As I spoke I turned to face him. He didn't react to me first so I get to him to notice me and listen to me by touching his arm. It immediately got him to turn to me. He looked down at my hand before he sighed.

"Okay, let's do this then," Clarke breathed out. "Who should be start with?"

"Pierce Martin," I said confidently. "Your father and he were close. Henry made one of his first European deals with him, it helped both of them break into each other's market. Pierce will tell you who's looking to make a deal most likely."

"So he was a friend, not just business partner?" Clarke asked me.

"From what I can tell, yes," I shrugged. "They used to talk often, visit whenever they were in each other's country. I can't say I've met Pierce though."

"I think I did, once," Clarke admitted thoughtfully. "But, back then..."

"You didn't care?" I guessed.

Clarke curled his lips together and then nodded. "Guess I better make a better impression today."

I walked close to Clarke as we made our way through the crowd, eventually finding Pierce Martin, unsurprisingly surrounded by a group of people already. Pierce was a tall man in his early forties, but didn't look it. He had somehow managed to stay young despite running one of the biggest telco companies in Europe. He had dark hair which was now slicked back and olive skin and wrinkles now forming until his eyes, but the rest of him still appeared youthful. I wasn't sure Clarke was going to be brave enough to try and gave his attention now, but thankfully he didn't have to.

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