Chapter Twenty-Nine: Maybe I Need Him

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The next morning I woke up to the very bright amount of sunlight streaming in through the open door. I squinted and groaned a little turning away from the sun. As I did though I felt someone else's skin on mine. I opened my eyes to see Clarke still asleep and extremely peaceful. I realised we were both still naked and only had a sheet covering us, but it was also the last thought on my mind.

When Clarke and I slept together, it was sex. I mean, we did it for the enjoyment the feeling, for the fun, literally for the lust, but...that wasn't what last night was. People throw around the words 'making love' rather than sex, and I never understood the difference...until last night. We didn't just have sex, we made love because there was something else there...Oh God, was I starting to get feelings for Clarke?

"Do you just like to watch me sleep?"

I jumped slightly and realised Clarke was awake and I was literally staring at him like an idiot. I was freaking out a little though because I know I felt something different, maybe he didn't though, how would I know?

"Yeah, sorry," I said quickly. "You just look so peaceful when you sleep, like you're not CEO of a company."

"Ha, you're funny," Clarke rolled his eyes slightly and I felt his arm tighten around my bare waist. He was so calm, he definitely wasn't thinking the same thing. "Hmm, all I want is to lie here but I know I have so much to do today."

"Well, it's probably not a good idea to stay here considering our naked state and open door. I feel like Alicia could walk in any moment now," I told Clarke, shaking my head slightly.

Clarke laughed slightly. "I think she'd just find it funny, but you're also probably right. She's coming with me today."

"For those meetings I set up?" I asked him surprised.

"Yeah, at least one of them," Clarke shrugged. "We need to be seen in public together whilst we're here. Probably going to take her for dinner or something. If you're okay having a whole today by yourself, of course? We'd still have tomorrow anyway."

"No, course," I said without a beat. "You need to look a happy couple, its fine. I'll...explore LA or something. No big deal."

"Good," Clarke said calmly, as he sat up, pulling me closer to him because he still had his arm around me. "I wasn't kidding...I'd much rather stay here though."

I felt myself smile, I couldn't help it. "Me too."

It didn't take long to make a move after that. We both showered, separately, and got changed, and I had to admit it was nice to wear normal clothes and not a sexy dress. Alicia was already in the dining room, eating food from the large plates already on the table. It felt awkward all of us sitting there, as I found myself wondering if Alicia knew Clarke and I slept together last night, just wondering that made it awkward. They didn't stay for long though as they had to get to where they needed to be. Honestly I felt relief when they left because I was ridiculously in my own head right now.

It was almost like Paris all over again. I was feeling something I couldn't understand and I was mess, but I was holding it together a little better...only a little though. I just tried to keep myself together while Clarke was still here because honestly maybe he didn't notice it was different last night. Maybe it was just me over analysing the whole thing. I mean, we had slept together so many times and it was never going to be the same, we tried to change it up...but somewhere in my heart I knew it was more than that.

I couldn't have feelings for Clarke. I just couldn't. I knew I would hate the fame of being his girlfriend. I felt like it could make me hate him. Not to mention his work life was insane and right now it was fine, but once I started law school it would be insane. Plus he was still immature, at times, even if he had improved lately. Also, there was no way he felt that about me. About little no one, average girl, me. It couldn't work...It could never work. Then why couldn't I shake this feeling?

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