Chapter Thirty-Six: The G-Word

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"Rory! Please tell me your home?!"

I was sitting in my room, literally finishing everything I had left for college. My last days of college were nearly here, and it was kind of scary but satisfying at the same time. I was still waiting to hear back from Yale, something else that terrified me but honestly I had a backup plan if all else failed, I just hadn't exactly told anyone that.

"What? It couldn't possibly be another emergency. I know I haven't seen Clarke for a whole day but I spoke to him on the phone and he was fine," I yelled after her as I walked into the lounge room.

"No, course not. It's actually good for once, or at least I hope. I can't take anything else bad right now. We've been through enough," Ava sighed.

"So what is it?" I frowned as I now stood in front of her.


She held out something for me to see and it took me a moment, but once I realised what it was, I realised why there was such urgency to the situation.

"Is that...?" I said slowly.

"Your Yale letter? Yeah, it definitely is," Ava smiled. "So...are you going to open it, or stare at it?"

"I feel like maybe staring at it for a while. That seems good," I told her cautiously.

"Oh, come on, Rory. You are so getting in," Ava sighed immediately. "You didn't seem scared about this before."

"Yeah, well, I was, I just lied," I told her. "I mean, why did it take so long to get this? Why didn't I get it back in March?"

"Its April, it's not that late," Ava assured me. "Plus, you said it yourself once, Yale is hard to get into, they take longer to accept people."

I nodded. I had said that, which is why I already had a backup plan. "Which is why I applied elsewhere as well, actually three others."

"Wait, you applied to three?" Ava asked. "I mean, I only know about Columbia, which as far as I know you haven't gotten into yet?"

"Well...I have," I breathed out, "and NYU and Stanford."

"Are you kidding me? And you're only just telling me now?" Ava nearly yelled.

"I...I didn't want my backup plans to be the one I have to go with so I didn't say anything," I admitted, "but now with this letter, it feels great that I did that."

Ava sighed and then looked down at the letter. Yale was seriously my dream, it was my everything. I pinned my future on it, my future job and education. Before I could say anything else Ava made a move.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, stepping to her.

"Opening it for you," Ava answered, as she tore it open. "Sometimes you need me to rip the band aid off for you. Stop me if you don't want me to."

She paused and allowed me to grab the letter if I wanted to. I didn't however make a move. Maybe hearing it out of Ava's mouth would be easier.

She smiled at me and continue to open the envelope, and then pulled out the letter. She opened it and I saw her scan it, move her mouth slightly as she read it, but didn't say anything out loud.

"So...?" I pressured her when she didn't speak.

Ava moved the letter from her face to look at me. "Dear Miss Edwards, congratulations and welcome to Yale Law School!"

I stood there for second, taking a moment to take it in. Ava didn't need a minute though, she already screaming in I decided to join her, well maybe not scream but let out a bit of squeal and then hug Ava as she hugged me.

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