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Six years later ...

"Robert!" Jasper calls from the glass doors of the sitting room in Sizergh Castle. A young boy of 5 bounces through the open door, his dark messy hair falls over his vibrant green eyes as he jumps into his father's arms.

"Where have you been?" Jasper asks his son, the boy giggles as his hair is ruffled teasingly.

"Out behind the oak tree, I thought it would be fun to climb it." He says excitedly. Jasper tuts disapprovingly.

"Did you ask your mother?"

Robert pouts, and his eyes dart to the floor guiltily.

"Why don't we keep it a little secret then?" Jasper suggests.

"Yes!" Robert says happily as he is carried across the house to find his mother. They enter the west sitting room. A toddler walks around the room, he clutches a bright yellow duck, he lets out a squeal when he sees Jasper and Robert enter, he runs over to them as fast as his little legs will carry him.

"Da." He says in greeting, he raises his little arms and makes clutching motions, Jasper stoops down and picks up his other son.

"Hello, little man." He says Sebastian makes cooing noises not letting go of his duck.

"Where have you been?" Eliza asks looking up from the lounge.

"Robert was having a few adventures," Jasper says as he sits down next to her, both little boys climb off his lap and move closer to their mother. Eliza rolls her eyes, the baby in her arms turns over and makes a soft yawing sound, Sebastian hears it and stands on the lounge to get a better look at his little sister.

"Remember, gentle," Jasper says as Sebastian tries to touch the sleeping baby. Eliza shifts the child in her arms so he can see her pink face better.

"She's tiny," Robert says, as he peaks over his brother's shoulder, he wrinkles his nose in disapproval.

"You were that small once." Jasper crosses his legs. 

"No, I wasn't!" Robert insists, he crosses his arms.

"So was Sebastian." Jasper says, "You both will grow bigger as will Belle."

Sebastian yawns and his eyes begin to droop, Robert copies his younger brother, his little head rests against his mother's shoulder.

"Bedtime for all of you, I think," Eliza says. Robert groans but his eyes agree.

Jasper picks up the sleepy Sebastian, Eliza leads the way up to bed, Robert trails after them. They enter the nursery and Jasper lays Sebastian in his small bed, Robert climbs into his bed opposite him. Eliza walks to the adjoining room, she tucks Belle into her small cot. She whispers sweet things into her young daughter's ear, the baby sleeps obliviously. When Eliza walks into the boys' room she finds all of them tucked into Sebastian bed, Jasper's legs stick over the edge of the bed, a picture book is in his hands, both boys are fast asleep against him. He looks up as she enters, he slowly detaches himself from them and pulls the blanket over both boys.

He takes her hand and with one last look at their three children, they shut the door to the nursery. Jasper picks Eliza up by the waist and lifts her into the air, she laughs quietly, he carries her all the way down to their room, he gently throws her onto the bed. She lands with a small thump, he crawls up her, she laughs as he begins to kiss her neck.

"Stop it." She giggles as he finds a sensitive spot, she pushes his face away. He flops to the side of her, he turns his face to face her. She feels him watching her so she looks towards him.

"What?" She whispers. He shakes his head.

"How did I get so lucky?"

Eliza rolls her eyes, Jasper grows serious.

"Is this enough you?" He asks,

"What do you mean?" She asks confused.

"You wanted to marry a farmer and live in a small cottage in Scotland."

"You remembered." Eliza sits up.

"Is the life we have as good as that?" He sits up too.

"I was dreaming then," She says, "I live in a castle, with a husband who loves me, a piano I cannot play and three lovely children, what more could I want?"

Jasper smiles and kisses her nose.

"What about you then?" Eliza asks, "Is this enough for you?"

"I think I am stuck with it," Jasper says heavily.

"Oi." Eliza shoves him back, he catches her hands, pulls her down and crosses them around his neck, her face rests against his chin.

"You should shave." She says. "It's spikey."

"I like it," Jasper says defensively, she sighs, she nestles her head under his chin and closes her eyes.

"It is almost Christmas," He says, "Do you want to spend it here? Or go to London? Your uncle will be missing you, and my mother wants to see her grandchildren."

"Sushh." Eliza presses her hand to his mouth, her eyes still shut. Jasper glances down at the frown on his wife's face. He smiles and kisses her nose.

"Go to sleep." Eliza moans at him. Jasper settles into the bed and wraps his arms around her. The night creeps over them, and the entire family sleep soundly, with many adventures to come.

Thank you so much for reading this book, I hope you enjoyed it! If you want more like this, please check out my second book - To Defend A Duke

Love Victoria

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