Chapter 5

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The carriage jumps as it hits a pothole and the passengers in the carriage cling to the sides to keep their seats. The carriage comfortably fits 3 but the extra person makes for very little foot room. The journey to Windthrope castle is not particularly long however the last five minutes have been awkward and unspoken words hung in the air.

Eliza sits next to Cecily with her arms crossed glaring an inch above Harrington's head, who looks haughtily out of the window at the countryside rolling down. James watches the pair with glee while Cecily shuffles in her seat, uncomfortable with the apparent tension. No one speaks as the horse pull them down roads and lanes. Harrington can feel Eliza's glare on his person, but he spares her no look, how can his presence annoy a woman this much? And why did he enjoy aggravating her so? He had to admit she looked stunning when she flew down the stairs and the lie about his sister had sprung quicker than expected.

Eliza feels her stomach press against her corset uncomfortably, the bone of the corset digs into her hip. She ignores the pain and continues to stare daggers at Harrington.

"Are you alright miss?" Cecily asks tentatively, the maid is watching her mistress and notices that her face is slowly turning whiter.

"I am quite well, tis this corset, it nips slightly," Eliza says with a weak smile. She shifts slightly to alleviate the pain and the corset moves up slightly drawing attention to her chest. James opens his mouth, but Harrington tries to kick him but misses and kicks Eliza's shin instead. She bites her lip in pain trying not to reveal how much her shin actually hurts. She narrows her eyes at Harrington who purses his lips, unsure whether to apologise or not. The carriage turns down Aldwich street, meaning Eliza only has to survive for another few minutes before she can escape.

"I am not impressionable!" Eliza announces suddenly to her company, both men turn their attention to her furious face. "I have my own mind and I do not need looking after!" she continues hissing at Harrington. The Duke casts her a disparaging look before returning to gazing at the scenery, James struggles to keep a straight face. The silence continues.

The carriage halts abruptly outside Windthrope Castle and the women are thrown forward into the arms of the shocked men. Eliza finds herself squished against the oaf; her face pressed up against his chest. She had thrown her arms in front to break her fall and they have ended up resting on his thighs.

Fuming with embarrassment Eliza removes her hands and tries to untangle her skirts from Harrington's boots. Cecily is helped back upright with a small smile from James who makes her blush furiously when he offers her his hand to assist her exit.

Harrington is of no help to Eliza; he simply sits while she tries to push herself up to no success. Her hair is tangled in the buttons of his waistcoat and they are preventing her from moving.

"I need some help." She admits begrudgingly after some struggling, Harrington smirks down at the head of black hair, he rather likes her body pressed up against his, she is warm and her smaller frame fits perfectly to his.

"What did you say?" He asks with a complacent smile.

"Help me, you jerk!" Eliza yells into his chest, her hands furiously tugging at the knot.

Taking his time he removes her fingers and unhooks the caught stands of hair until Eliza can pull free. With a wild shake of her hair to settle the curls, she straightens and brushes her dress off.

"Leave me the hell alone or I swear to god." Eliza seethes at Harrington, who simply stares at her condescendingly and replies,

"Trust me I have no need for your company,"

Eliza lets out a short laugh,

"That's the problem, I don't trust you," she says, her hands balled in fists. The duke doesn't reply but tilts his head to the side to assess the angry woman, Eliza becomes very aware she is still kneeling, her face level with his groin.

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