Chapter 17

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Lady Harrington and her daughter Penelope watch Harrington intently, holding each other for support. Eliza decides to leave the room and give them some time alone. Out of the room, she walks down the stairs and finds her uncle sitting in the dining room drinking whiskey. Eliza pours herself one and ignores Benjamin's stern look, her fiancé might be dying she thinks she should be allowed a small pass for now. She slips the liquor and relishes at the expensive drink, it burns but is smooth and velvety as it goes down, she leans against a wall and closes her eyes.

"Luis told me what the doctor said," Benjamin says and Eliza doesn't open her eyes but simply nods, cradling her drink to her face.

"Who were those women that he let up?"

"His mother and sister." She replies.

"Oh, I didn't know..." He begins curiously.

Eliza opens her eyes and cuts across, "Uncle I appreciate what you're doing but I don't want to talk."

"Of course," Benjamin says apologetically, he sips his whiskey. Eliza walks to the extensive alcohol cabinet and stares at all the bottles, drinks from all over the world, France, Italy, Spain and Africa. She chooses a bottle of brandy, she takes down the heavy crystal bottle and walks in the direction of the room where she had seen Isabella. Inside she collapses onto a chaise lounge and uncorks the brandy, the glass in her other hand falls to the floor and she drinks from the crystal neck of the bottle. Like the rest of the house, it is dusty and neglected, there are miss-matched tables and chairs, the odd empty vase and a sword above a grimy fireplace. Unable to just sit and wait Eliza goes over to the fireplace, brandy bottle in hand to have a look at the sword. It's way above her head so she puts brandy down by her chair after another drink and pulls a stool into place. She places one foot on the surface and holds onto the mantlepiece to steady herself as she pulls herself up. The stool wobbles slightly and Eliza has to cling to the ridge stop herself from falling. Gaining her balance she scans her eyes over the sword. The sword has a golden twisted loop guard and knuckle bow, the handle is of a fine leather and steel combination, the blade is perfectly straight and the edges are still sharp, they draw into a fine point that gleams.

"That was my father's sword." Lady Harrington's voice startles Eliza and she wobbles dangerously on the stool, only to save herself by gripping on to the mantle until her knuckles go white.

"My apologies." The Lady says to Eliza who carefully steps onto the floor. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"No, I shouldn't have been..." She tails off lamely and shrugs.

"That's my mother's dress you are wearing." Lady Harrington comments as she neatly seats herself on the lounge.

"Oh." Eliza mentally kicks herself and sits next to the elegant woman, what a great way to get her mother in law to be to like her, stand on a stool looking at a sword and wear her mother's dress. "Sorry, My nightdress is wet."

"Oh no, it is fine, I understand."

Eliza fiddles with one of orange tassels and stares at the floor. They sit, unsure what to say to each other, Lady Harrington breaks the silence.

"This was my childhood house, I used to take Jasper and Penny here when we visited London. They loved it but we haven't been here in a while."

"It's a lovely house," Eliza comments unsure what to say.

"I was very surprised when you said you were Jasper's fiancé, we do live far away but I thought he would at least tell me he was engaged."

"I am sorry."

"It's not your fault my dear," Lady Harrington pats Eliza's hand comfortingly.

"Lady Harrington." She turns to the woman. "Can I ask you something?."

"Please, call me Helen."

"Helen," Eliza begins. "Why does Jasper resent his father?"

"That is a long story." She sighs and a few tears seem to appear in her eyes.

"You don't have to tell me." Eliza says quickly, "I just wondered, with Dominic and everything."

"Dominic?" Helen asks sharply, "How's he involved?"

"He shot Jasper," Eliza says slowly, "You didn't know?"

"No, I didn't."

"I don't know why or if he is alive, only that they duelled each other."

"My god, I don't believe it." Helen covers her face with her hands. "What on earth drove Dominic to do such a thing?"

She turns to Eliza and takes her hands. "Did anything happen?"

An ice cold feeling settles in Eliza's stomach, what had happened?

"I hit him." She whispers.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I...I hit Dominic." Eliza confesses, could it be her fault that Harrington was hit?

"Oh what if....what if?" Panic rises in her voice and she feels faint.

"No." Helen takes her shaking hands and holds them tightly. "I admit hitting him is not ideal but Dominic would not issue a duel over that."

"But why not?"

"He would never admit that a woman actually hit him."

"I suppose that's slightly reassuring but what if..." Eliza feels close to hysteria.

"Eliza, listen to me." Helen says sternly, "You are not to blame."


"My husband is," Helen sighs and momentarily closes her eyes in sorrow.

"My husband was not a good father to Jasper, he tried to mirror himself into his son. I loved my husband as any wife should but he was cruel and callous, more so to Jasper. When he was younger he tried to impress his father and make him proud but it was never enough. I think all he wanted was love but my husband didn't love his children, he loved money and power and drink. I tried to raise Jasper better but it seemed there was nothing I could do, he shut himself off from everyone and left as soon as he could.

"That's terrible," Eliza says softly.

"When my husband died Jasper had to deal with the consequences of what he had done including Dominic. Jasper has a lot of pride but Dominic has more. There has always been a score to settle between them because of what my husband did."

"But that doesn't matter now, he has you," Penny says happily from the doorway, she bounds over and sits next to Eliza.

"You are very pretty." She says looking at her inky hair.

"Thank you," Eliza smiles, "I think you are too."

Penny scrunches her nose adorably. "My friends don't think so, they think I am too plain."

"Oh, nonsense." Helen snots. With thick dark chestnut hair, Penny looks very similar to her older brother except for the eyes, hers are a golden hazel colour rather than an icy blue.

"Don't listen to them. You are beautiful inside and out." Eliza reassures, Penny smiles brightly.

"Can I be a bridesmaid?" She asks chirpily. "You must already have a maid of honour so can I be a bridesmaid?"

If there even is a wedding, Eliza thinks, after Charlotte left her the thought of a wedding without her seems impossible.

"Well actually, I am having a joint wedding with my best friend." She says, "So the maid of honour position is vacant if you're interested?"


Eliza nods.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Penny throws her arms around her and hugs her tightly.

"A double wedding? I like it." Helen says thoughtfully.

Luis coughs announcing his presence in the room and everyone looks towards him nervously, Eliza retracts Penny's arms from her neck.


"A Lady Charlotte to see you miss."

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