Chapter 18

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Charlotte is here? Eliza follows Luis from the room with a promise to Lady Harrington and Penny that she would return. Her stomach swirls uncomfortably as she walks down the corridor.

Charlotte stands in the hall and fiddles with her gloves waiting. As soon as Thomas informed her that Harrington had been shot any animosity she felt towards Eliza vanished and she skipped breakfast to travel to Ryddan Manor only to find that both Eliza and Benjamin had left early in the morning to Chester Valley. The carriage took her as fast as possible to the house but now she is here, nerves and indecision play with her mind. The servant who opened the door returns.

"Thank you, Luis," Eliza says to the man who bows to both and retreats up the stairs. The two women meet eyes and unspoken things fly between them. So many things to say and forgive with little place to begin.

"Hello," Charlotte says to break the silence.

"Hi," Eliza replies tentatively, twisting her hands.

"I heard about Jasper," Charlotte says.

"Oh." Eliza struggles to offer more. "Yes."

"I am sorry." She says sympathetically.

"Thank you."

Neither makes a move to say anything more, they simply stand in the hallway in a sort of limbo. Wanting each other forgiveness and company but unable to begin mending what should never have fractured in the first place. Charlotte's stomach feels heavy with apprehension and secrets.

"I am still upset that you didn't tell me." She says slowly, "But I want you to know to forgive you."

"Thank you," Eliza whispers, her heart feeling lighter, Charlotte rushes over and throws her arms around her friend, hugging her tightly. Charlotte hugs her back and sighs into the embrace.

"And that I may be pregnant."

"Holy mother of..." Eliza pulls back in shock.

"Eliza!!" Charlotte hisses and looks around nervously.

"You're pregnant? But...."

"Might be." Charlotte smiles and she seems to glow with happiness.

"How so?"

"I've been throwing up in the morning and my courses are late." She confesses. Eliza looks slightly in awe of Charlotte's stomach as she crouches down and eyes the flat surface covered up by a dress.

"The wedding is in a week, just in case. Thomas thought it would be best to move it up." Charlotte's face dims slightly as a thought springs to mind. "You aren't disappointed that we...?"

Eliza straightens up and shakes her head fervently.

"Of course not, you and Thomas are the perfect couple, and if you are pregnant then I know that the baby is going to be entirely loved."

"Plus Thomas knows I'd kill him if he ever hurt you." She adds offhand, it makes Charlotte laugh. Eliza takes hold of her hands and pulls them close.

"I am so happy for you."

"Thank you," Charlotte says her smile lighting up the room. "However nothing is certain so do you think we could keep it a secret?"

"Of course," Eliza replies. "Oh come with me, there are some people I'd like you to meet."

"Oh?" Charlotte smiles and laughs. Eliza takes her friend's hand and begins to pull her along the corridor to the library.

"Hold on, what's this dress you are wearing?" Charlotte says only just noticing the yellow and orange monstrosity.

"Never you mind." Eliza rolls her eyes. They walk into the room to find Helen sitting, sipping the brandy bottle and Penny, nose in a book. Both look up as they enter. The women rise to meet each other as is the proper way.

"Lady Harrington, Miss Penelope, may I introduce my best friend Lady Charlotte." Eliza announces, "Charlotte this is Jasper's mother and sister."

The women curtsy to each other politely. Eliza takes her original seat between Helen and Penny and Charlotte makes herself comfortable on a sunken armchair that sags even more as she sits.

"So who are you marrying?" Penny asks her directly.

"Penelope!" Her mother chastises her and shoves the bottle underneath the chair hastily.

"His name is Thomas Leevens," Charlotte answers with a beam.

"Do you love him?" Penny presses intrigued, leaning forward.

"Very much."

"Is he handsome?" She asks excitedly.

"Penny..." Helen warns.

"I am just interested." She says innocently,

"I am going to be Eliza's maid of honour at your joint wedding." She tells Charlotte proudly.

"We shall see," Helen says tiredly.

"But." Penny scrunches her face in upset.

"Darling not now. We have had a long trip, I think a night of sleep would do us good."

"Fine." The girl grumbles and folds her arms.

"Do you need me to help you?" Eliza asks too late as she remembers this is Helen's house.

"No thank you, dear, but do wake me if there is any change in Jasper's condition."Helen stands and squeezes her hand in comfort.

"Of course," Eliza says softly.

"Goodnight," Helen says. "Lady Charlotte a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Charlotte bows her head politely.

"Penny says goodnight," Helen says sternly to the moody girl.

"Goodnight." She mutters sulkily. Her mother takes her hand and leads her from the room.

The shock of Charlotte's arrival and possible pregnancy has made Eliza forget the dark desperation and despair but it comes flooding back. Harrington is lying unconscious alone in a spare bed.

"They seemed a lovely family." Charlotte comments.

"They are, Penny is very excited about the wedding." Eliza pushes away her dark feelings.

"You are still going to marry him then?"

"Of course." Eliza bites her lip. "I think...I like him."

"Pardon?" Charlotte raises her eyebrows inquisitively.

"I don't love him." She says hastily, "But when he kissed me I felt a tingling in my stomach."

"You kissed him? When?" Her friend's face lights up.

"He kissed me after the ball was over," Eliza admits.

"I wasn't expecting that."

"Me neither," She chokes a little, "And now he might die."

Charlotte walks over to her and places her arms around her shoulders. Eliza leans in and lets her body go slack. There is a comforting smell of lavender and sweets. At times like these is when Eliza misses Eloise, Charlotte is like a sister to her however there is no replacing the unbreakable bond of siblings. When times were hard for the two sisters they would often curl up together in a bed or chair and simply sit together not talking.

"There's always hope." Charlotte whispers. Eliza sits up and breathes deeply.

"I am sorry Eliza but I have to go, Thomas will be worried," Charlotte says regretfully.

"I will return this evening." She promises.

"Thank you."


Charlotte leaves the room with a backwards smile. Eliza sinks into the chaise lounge, her legs curl up under her body, she takes the brandy from under the chair and takes a sip. She pulls the blanket on the back of the chair and pulls it over her body. Her head rolls onto the pillow and her eyes droop shut.

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